Lacking a cure for AIDS, society must offer education, not only by public pronouncement but in classrooms. Those with AIDS or those at high risk of AIDS suffer prejudice; they are feared by some people who find living itself unsafe, while others conduct themselves with a "bravado" that could be fatal. AIDS has afflicted a society already short on humanism, open-handedness and optimism. Attempts to strike it out with the offending microbe are not abetted by pre-existing social ills. Such concerns impelled me to offer the first university level undergraduate AIDS course, with its two important aims.
To address the fact the AIDS is caused by a virus, not by moral failure of societal collapse. The proper response to AIDS is compassion coupled with an understanding of the disease itself. We wanted to foster (help the growth of) the idea of a humane society.
To describe how AIDS tests institutions upon which our society rests. The economy, the po
A. AIDS is a sign of moral failure and social collapse.
B. AIDS indicates that our social systems have been very inefficient.
C. The responses of a society to the threat of AIDS determines whether and to what extent the society can be called civilized.
D. The spreading of the fatal disease suggests that the nation’s resources have been wrongly used.
Fears of "mad cow" disease spread
(1) the globe last week (2) South
Africa, New Zealand and Singapore joining most of Britain’ s European Union
partners in (3) imports of British beef. In London, steak
restaurants were empty follwing the March 20 announcement by scientists that
they had found a (4) link between mad cow disease from
British beef and its human (5) , Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease(CJD) . Efforts to reassure consumers and governments proved (6) . France, Germany, Italy, Finland and Greece were among countries which announced bans (7) British beef shipments. A committee of EU veterinary experts, meeting in Brussels, (8) new protective measures but said transmission of the disease from cattle to humans was unproven and did not (9) a general ban on British beef exp A. affected B. affects C. effect D. affecting [单项选择]下列各项中不属于癫痫发作病因的是()
A. 低血糖症 B. 高血糖症 C. 停用抗癫痫药 D. 高钙血症 E. 低钙血症 [多项选择]以下有关多媒体的描述正确的是()。
A. 数据编码和压缩技术是多媒体的关键技术 B. 多媒体计算机是指能综合处理文字、图形、影像与声音等信息的计算机 C. 网卡是多媒体计算机的必备部件 D. 声卡是多媒体计算机的必备部件 [多选题]ZD6造成道岔无表示、挤岔铃响的主要原因有( )
A.A、道岔被挤坏 B.B、移位接触器接点接触不良或跳起 C.C、二极管击穿 D.D、表示保险开路 [判断题]以太网交换机用于列车网络数据的交换传输。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人像模式一般适合拍摄人物,人像模式会自动缩小光圈,并使用镜头的中长焦距拍摄。(中)(基础知识)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]未接到列车预报确保,遇到汽车刹车失灵,撞上栏杆(门)侵入限界时,应()。
A. 立即组织人员将汽车拉出道口 B. 立即向驾驶员收取损失费 C. 立即通知交警部门派人处理 D. 立即按下故障报警器,设置防护 [单项选择]某区公安分局以彭某收受赃物为由,拟对其作出20000元罚款的处
A. 黏性 B. 运动黏度 C. 动力黏度 D. 弹性 [单项选择]在偏差计算中,如果投资偏差大于零,进度偏差小于零,则表明( )。
A. 投资节约,进度滞后 B. 投资节约,进度超前 C. 投资超支,进度滞后 D. 投资超支,进度超前 [单选题]李某对某市海关作出的行政处罚决定不服,欲提起行政诉讼。则本案一审应属( )管辖。
A.该海关所在地的基层人民法院 B.该市中级人民法院 C.该市高级人民法院 D.该市高级法院指定的人民法院 [单项选择]某企业发行债券,下列哪种付息方式能使债券有效期内享受债券利息税前扣除收益,同时不需要实际付息( )。
A. 定期还本付息 B. 分期付息 C. 两种都不可行 D. 两种都可行 [判断题]299. ()地线监护人要认真监护操作的全过程及接地线人员安全带扎系的正确性,并避免接地线影响行车信号和作业车运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于垂直起飞和着陆回收以下错误的是
A.垂直起降是旋翼无人机的主流发射回收方式 B.部分特种固定翼无人机也可采用垂直方式发射和回收 C.垂直起降的固定翼无人机均安装有专用的辅助动力系统 [单选题]经过桥梁、()、隧道时,应当注意观察限高、限重及空中障碍物。特殊情况需要通过交通禁用通道或正在施工的路段 时,要详细了解情况,确保安全通行。( )
A.马路 B.涵洞 C.河流 D.以上都不对 [多项选择]下面属于干线放大器的标签是(),属于祸合器的标签是()。
A. CBn一m B. RPn一m C. ATn一m D. Tn一m 我来回答: 提交