对某批产品进行验收,规定N=600,AQL=250%,检查水平为Ⅲ可求得: |
Passage 3 There are two main types of stocks: common stock and preferred stock. Common stock is, well, common. When people talk about stocks in general they are most likely referring to this type. In fact, the majority of stock issued is in this form. Common shares represent ownership in a company and a claim (dividends) on a portion of profits. Investors get one vote per share to elect the board members, who oversee the major decisions made by management. Over the long term, common stock, by means of capital growth, yields higher returns than almost every other investment. This higher return comes at a cost since common stocks entail the most risk. If a company goes bankrupt and liquidates, the common shareholders will not receive money until the creditors, bondholders, and preferred shareholders are paid. Preferred stock A. profits made from buying and reselling stocks B. dividends received from holding the stocks C. tax allowance provided from investing in the stocks D. all of the above [单选题]安全生产信息的收集、整理中,应根据事故发生频率、设备完好率、尘毒危害治理率的信息,制定各级( )。
A.安全工作目标 B.考核标准 C.操作规程 D.安全生产责任制 [单项选择]丹毒发于下肢者加用( )
A. 百会、头维、太阳 B. 关元、阴陵泉 C. 十宣、十二井 D. 血海、阴陵泉、内庭 [简答题]简述多元智力结构理论。
[单选题] 在调车作业中,单机运行或牵引车辆运行时,前方进路的确认由( )负责。《技规》第292条
A.司机 B.调车人员 C.车站值班员 D.调车长 [简答题]检验石膏空心条板隔墙板与结构连接不牢的措施是什么?
[判断题] 槽系组合夹具的精度和刚度都高于孔系组合夹具。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在未运营中的大、中型公共交通工具上针对司售、乘务人员抢劫的,或者在小型出租车上抢劫的,不属于《刑法》第263条第2项规定的在公共交通工具上抢劫。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是索赔?什么是施工索赔?
[单选题]《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》要求企业( )适用的安全生产法律法规、标准规范,并将相关要求及时转化为本单位的规章制度。
A.识别、获取、修订、遵守 B.识别、更新、传达、遵守 C.识别、获取、传达、遵守 [填空题]A bee can tell other bees by doing tail-wagging dance that he has found food, which shows that bees have language.
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