Experts predict that China’s healthcare
market will have an annual growth of 6 to 8 per cent in the next few years,
making it one of the potentially most prosperous. In Shanghai, annual medical
expenditure is estimated to be 16 billion yuan (U. S. 93 billion). With an
increasingly (31) population, the growing consumption power and longer life (32) of local residents, the medical market bas great opportunities. However, limited medical resources cannot meet people’s needs (33) financial deficits in State-owned hospitals. (34) , there is room for a range of different medical organizations. As is the case with many State-owned enterprises, public hospitals in the past half century have learned a lot of bad habits: (35) management, over-staffing and bureaucratic operating procedures. Being a member A. compare B. comparing C. compared D. have compared [单项选择]在软件生命周期中,能准确地确定软件系统必须做什么和必须具备哪些功能的阶段是______。
A. 概要设计 B. 详细设计 C. 可行性设计 D. 需求分析 [判断题]特殊备用车及免收车辆使用费备用车须备满48小时,其他备用车须备满24小时,才能解除备用。备用时间不满或无令动用时,自备用时起按运用车统计(因紧急任务需要,经总公司批准解除时,不受此项限制)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]网络成瘾的治疗方式不包括?()
A. 《未成年人保护法》 B. 《青少年犯罪法》 C. 《预防未成年人犯罪法》 D. 《义务教育法》 [单项选择]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()指可能引起的后果的严重程度。
A.破坏性 B.危险性 C.危害性 D.严重性 [单选题]科学家对1994年夏发生的彗星撞击木星的天文现象作出了准确的预报。这件事说明
A.认识具有前瞻性 B.认识是主体对客体的直观反映 C.认识是不断发展的 D.认识对实践具有能动作用 [单项选择]面板是用一定厚度的钢板拼焊而成的平面式结构,是()的一部分,为主要的挡水构件,它直接承受水压力并传递给梁格系统。
A. 承重结构 B. 闸门 C. 受力结构 D. 门叶结构 [单选题]根据硫化氢中毒者的状态及地方,可供选择的救护方式(使中毒者离开)有( )。( )
A.2种方式 B.4种方式 C.5种方式 D.6种方式 我来回答: 提交