Oceanography Oceanography has been defined as "the application of all sciences to the study of the sea. " Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to farther his work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental (大陆间的 ) travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question-" what is at the bottom of the oceans " had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers ha A. the American Navy B. some early intercontinental travelers C. those who earned a living from the sea D. the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable [单项选择]He ______ with Smith at least four times in the past three years.
A. has been seen to meet B. was seen to meet C. had been seen meeting D. is seen meeting [单选题]以下说法是否正确“对作为唯一导航源的机场应选择具有传统导航进近程序的机场做备降场”
A. A.对 B.B.错 [单选题]作业现场的生产条件和安全设施等应符合有关标准、规范的要求,工作人员的( )应合格、齐备。
A.个人工器具 B.服装 C.劳动防护用品 D.作业保护 [单选题]进行缓冲器分解
A.进行缓冲器分解 B.全部分解 C.对关键部位分解 D.局部分解 [单选题]卫星通信系统中的下行信号是指由一个( )的信号。
A.卫星发往地球站 B.地球站发往另一个地球站 C.地球站发往卫星 D.通过变频使载频降低 [多项选择]某投资者在800美分的价位,卖出了20手大豆的空头合约,此时市场价格已经跌到780美分,空头合约如果现在平仓,则可以获利。但是投资者想要先锁定利润,他应该()。
A. 买入看跌期权 B. 卖出看跌期权 C. 买入看涨期权 D. 卖出看涨期权 [多项选择]盖莱试验(Gelletest)阴性见于()。
A. 听骨链固定 B. 感音神经性聋 C. 听骨链中断 D. 鼓膜萎缩 E. 耳硬化 [单项选择]下列合同形式中不属于书面形式的是( )。
A. 合同书 B. 电文 C. 电话 D. 信件 [多选题]出口车道,当计费金额出现( ),应当做出口特情场景处理,进行特情处理服务
A.低于入出口可达路径最小费额 B.超过出口可达路径最小费额1.2倍 C.超过出口可达路径最小费额1.5倍 D.超过出口可达路径最小费额2倍 [简答题]论述陈列艺术形式设计的基本要素、形式法则和设计原则。
A. 三相半波可控整流电路 B. 三相半控桥整流桥电路, C. 单相全控桥接续流二极管电路 D. 单相半控桥整流电路 [多选题]请问店长实践认证阶段要求正确的有?
A.店长填写认证表,运营经理访谈并确认 B.实践认证由店长批阅 C.学员上传认证表与运营经理访谈表 D.实践认证由区域运营经理批阅 [单选题]毛果芸香碱药理作用包括
A.缩瞳 B.降低眼压 C.调节痉挛 D.汗腺和唾液的分泌明显增加 E.以上均均是 [单项选择]孔夫子所说的的“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不止”,从教师的角度来说可以理解为()。
A. 走路身体一定要端正 B. 自己做好了,不要教育学生,学生自然会学好 C. 对学生下命令一定要正确 D. 教师自己以身作则,一言一行都会对学生产生巨大的影响 [填空题]防暑药品以应急、便利、有效为前提,药品质量必须符合国家药品合格的规定,禁止采购含有<--NRC-->成分、过期药品。
A.A.可燃液体 B.B.不燃液体 C.C.有毒液体 D.D.易燃液体 [单选题]油锅起火时使用以下方法中( )方法扑灭是不正确的。
A.用水扑灭 B.锅盖盖住油锅口 C.灭火毯灭火 我来回答: 提交