Here amid the steel and concrete
canyons, green grass grows. A hawthorn tree (山楂树) stands in new soil, and
freshly dug plants bend in the wind. But Chicago City Hall here seems an unlikely spot for a garden of any variety—especially 20,000 square feet of gardens—un its roof. As one of a handful of similar projects around the country, the garden is part of a $1.5 million demonstration projected by the city to reduce its "urban heat islands", said William Abolt, the commissioner of the Department of Environment. Heat islands dark surfaces in the city, like rooftops—soak up heat. The retention can bake a building, making it stubborn to cooling. The roof of City Hall, a 90-year-old gray stone landmark on LaSalle Street in the heart of downtown, has been known to reach temperature substantially hotter than A. Because the City Hall is large. B. Because the mayor had urged the environmental department to do so. C. Because it can make people understand their impact on environment better through a public building. D. Because the experts just want to make the City Hall a convenient laboratory. [多选题]NS1600轨道起重机的稳定性叙述正确的是( )。
A.起重机稳定性按工作状态和非工作状态两种工况计算 B.工作状态称为载重稳定性 C.非工作状态称为自重稳定性 [单选题]某飞机轮胎充气压力4.5千克/平方厘米,按气压分类,此轮胎属于
A.低压轮胎 B.中压轮胎 C.高压轮胎 D.超高压轮胎 [判断题]爱自己的骨肉同胞也体现了爱国主义精神。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下说法正确的是( )
A.重要事项只要经“三重一大”决策会议决策通过的就是合规的 B.党委书记未能参会,可以由总经理主持会议研究组织人事问题 C.研究处分党员事项,到会委员人数超过半数即可 D.凡是不符合有关政策规定的事项,即使经“三重一大”决策会议决策通过,依然是不合规的。 二、多选题 [多项选择]治疗腕部扭伤的基本处方是()。
A. 阳池 B. 大陵 C. 阳谷 D. 阳溪 E. 外关 [单项选择]顺流抛锚掉头,当首转至70度左右时,易出现:()
A. 船身前冲 B. 船身后缩 C. 锚链受力最大 D. 水动力转船力矩最小,导致掉头停顿 [单项选择]我国政府预算的期限采用()。
A. 历年制 B. 跨年制 C. 多年制 D. 变动制 我来回答: 提交