I always enjoy the drive{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}Marley. It is a good straight road, with some {{U}} (37) {{/U}}
views of the countryside on{{U}} (38) {{/U}}side. There are woods and
hills, villages and farms and about halfway, a large lake. And because there is
{{U}} (39) {{/U}} much traffic on the road, I can usually enjoy the
{{U}} (40) {{/U}} as I drive along. I was{{U}} (41) {{/U}}annoyed the other morning, therefore, when a small green car began to drive very close behind me. I went {{U}} (42) {{/U}} faster, {{U}} (43) {{/U}} to leave the car behind. But {{U}} (44) {{/U}} I slowed down, the little car {{U}} (45) {{/U}} me, the driver, a middle-aged man, was smiling and waving to me. {{U}} (46) {{/U}} ,I did not recognize either him or the car. "Perhaps I am {{U}} (47) {{/ A. in trouble B. in order C. in danger D. in use [简答题]果树骨干枝的含义是什么?其主要作用又是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]服务()的质量管理,是指听取消费者的购后意见,并把他们的要求体现在以后的服务提供中。
A. 过程 B. 提供前 C. 提供中 D. 提供后 [多选题]下面属于宽带载波通信网络业务功能的是( )
A.A.广播对时 B.远程费控 C.在线升级 D.事件上报 [判断题]铁路信号按感官的感受方式可分为视觉信号和听觉信号两大类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Some people are willing to rend ____ cars instead of new ones to save money.
A. abandoned B. parked C. used D. broken [单选题]火灾报警探测系统的组成包括感烟火灾探测器和报警电路。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.广播系统 D.b.警惕报警系统 E.c.受电弓视频监控系统 [判断题]将网线两端的水晶头分别插入主测试仪和远程测试端的RJ45端口,将开关拨到“ON”,这时主测试仪和远程测试端的指示头就应该逐个闪亮。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]改、扩建工程工作结束时,禁止采用预约停送电时间的方式在设备或母线上进行()作业。
A.任何 B.高压 C.一次 D.检修 [名词解释]永嘉之乱
A. 两端各设一道,并从底到顶连续设置,中间每道剪刀撑净距不应大于15m B. 无论多长的脚手架只需在两端各设一道剪刀撑 C. 剪刀撑不要从底到顶连续设置 D. 剪刀撑的设置没有规定 [单项选择]
One of the most important results of research into ageing has been to pinpoint the significance of short-term memory. This faculty is easily (1) as ageing advances. What seems to (2) is that information is received by the brain, (3) scans it for meaning in order to decode it at some future time. It looks as if the actual (4) of the short-term memory itself may not change too much (5) age. A young man and a man in his late fifties may (6) be able to remember and repeat a(n) (7) of eight numbers recited to them. But what (8) change is that when the older man is asked to remember anything (9) between the time he is first given the numbers to memorise and the time he is asked to (10) them, he will be much less likely to remember the (11) numbers than the young man. This is because the scanning stage is more easily (12) by other activities in (13) people. [多选题]站车要采用()等方式,宣传安全常识和车辆设备设施的使用方法。
A.广播 B.视频 C.图形标志 D.服务指南 [单选题]生产经营单位应当确保本单位具备安全生产条件所必需的资金投入,安全生产资金投入纳入年度生产经营计划和财务预算,不得挪作他用,下列不属于安全生产费用的是( )。
A.配备、维护、保养应急救援器材、设备和物资支出,制定应急预案和组织应急演练支出; B.配备和更新现场作业人员安全防护用品支出; C.参加安全生产责任保险支出; D.环保排污费及设施运行费 [单项选择]福禄培尔生前出版的幼儿教育专著的名称是()
A. 《人的教育》 B. 《幼儿园教育学》 C. 《慈母曲及唱歌游戏集》 D. 《心理学教科书》 [判断题]各级通信机构应为上级通信机构提供编制年度运行方式所需的基础资料( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“杨家将”的故事为后人广泛传颂,其保家卫国的精神也为后人敬仰。这一故事是由北宋著名将领____抗击辽国入侵的故事演变而来。
A.杨业 B.杨坚 C.杨修 D.杨雄 [单项选择]胎粪吸入综合征常有( )
A. 口吐白沫 B. 呻吟 C. 易发生气胸及纵隔气肿 D. 哭叫后发绀减轻 E. 呼吸增快为主要表现,大多3天症状转为正常 [单选题]推车式灭火器是指装有轮子的可由一人( )至火场,并能在其内部压力作用下,将所装的灭火剂喷出以扑救火灾的灭火器具。
A.提 B.抱 C.扛 D.推 [判断题]单人值班的变电站或发电厂升压站操作时,运维人员应根据发令人用电话传达的操作指令进行,可不用操作票。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]将数字化了的( )信号通过数字交换网络进行交换,实际上是时隙信息的交换。
A.无线 B.激光 C.话音 D.波分 [单项选择]关于 IP 协议,______说法是错误的。
A. IP 协议规定了 IP 地址的具体格式 B. IP 协议规定了 IP 地址与其域名的对应关系 C. IP 协议规定了 IP 数据报的具体格式 D. IP 协议规定了 IP 数据报分片和重组原则 [判断题]消防救援机构对使用领域的消防产品质量进行监督抽查,只检查消防产品的外观标示、规格型号、结构部件、材料、性能参数、生产厂名、厂址与产地等是否符合有关规定。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交