Questions 5 to 8 are based on the following passage.
What was NOT introduced to the settlers by the Indians( ). Suddenly Lady Windermere looked eagerly
round the room, and said, in her clear contralto voice, "Where is my
chiromantist " "Your what, Gladys " exclaimed the Duchess, trying to remember what a chiromantist really was, and hoping it was not the same as a chiropodist. "My chiromantist, Duchess: I can’t live without him at present. I must certainly introduce him to you." "Introduce him!" cried the Duchess. "You don’t mean to say he is here " She began looking about for a small tortoiseshell fan and a very tattered lace shawl so as to be ready to go at a moment’s notice. "Of course he is here: I would not dream of giving a party without him. He tells me I have a pure psychic hand." "Oh, I see!" said the Duchess, feeling very much relieved. "He tells fortunes, I suppose " "And misfortunes, too," answered Lady Win A. To show that she doesn’t have enough money to buy nicer ones. B. To show that she doesn’t care about appearance. C. To show that she has weird preferences. D. To show that she is very provident. [单项选择]在地面无法查明矿井全部水文地质条件和充水因素时,应当采用井下()方法,按照有掘必探的原则开展探放水工作,并确保探放水效果。
A. 巷探 B. 化探 C. 物探 D. 钻探 [单选题]FAS与BAS通讯中断故障原因可能为( )
A.线路松动 B.BAS模块损坏 C.FAS模块重码 D.以上都是 [多项选择]下列关于测量仪表说法正确的是()。
A. 在电工测量中应用串联电阻方法,可以扩大电压表的量程 B. 在电工测量中应用并联电阻方法,可以扩大电压表的量程 C. 在电工测量中应用并联电阻方法,可以扩大电流表的量程 D. 在电工测量中应用串联电阻方法,可以扩大电流表的量程 E. 电流表串联在被测回路中 [多选题]25Hz轨道电源屏主要由()组成。
A.变频器电路 B.输出相位保证电路 C.短路切除电路 D.报警电路 [判断题]行车有关人员在执行职务时,必须坚守岗位,穿着规定的服装,佩戴易于识别的证章或携带相应证件,讲普通话。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]38.变压器异常运行状态主要包括:保护范围外部短路引起的过电流,电动机自起动等原因所引起的过负荷、油浸变压器油箱漏油造成油面降低、轻微匝间短路等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]上横担进行工作前,应检查横担连接是否牢固和腐蚀情况,检查时安全带(绳)应系在主杆或()上。
A.绝缘子 B.导线 C.拉板 D.牢固的构件 [单项选择]用离子选择电极法测定空气中氟化物浓度时,加入离子强度调节剂的作用有()
A. 保持一定的酸度 B. 排除干扰 C. 控制离子活度基本恒定 D. 防止产生迁移电流 E. 提高回收率 我来回答: 提交