When the economy is sinking and
inflation fading rapidly, is there any merit in cutting interest rates
gradually On December 4th the Bank of England again opted for boldness. It cut
its benchmark (基准) rate by a percentage point, to 2% , following a stunning
one-and-a-haft-point reduction a month earlier. On the same day Sweden’s central
bank slashed its rate, from 3.75% to 2%, and said big cuts were needed because
monetary policy was less effective than usual. But the European Central Bank
(ECB) was stuck somewhere between caution and boldness. Less than an hour after
the Bank of England’s decision, the ECB reduced its main rate by three-quarters
of a percentage point, to 2.5%. That was the biggest cut in its ten-year
history. It may look daring, but in the circumstances seems
inadequate. One reason for the Bank of Engl A. The activity of manufacturing and services slumped to its lowest level. B. Its business and consumer confidence is at a 15-year low. C. Its economy is descending quite quickly. D. Such monetary policy proves to be effective. [单选题]《安全生产法》所指的危险物品包括()。
A.易燃易爆物品、危险化学品、放射性物品 B.枪支弹药 C.高压气瓶.手持电动工具 D.大型机械设备 [判断题]H.S编码的注释是最终确定商品归类的重要依据,使用时特别要注意注释中的例外情况。
[单选题] 世界上海拔最高的山峰是哪一座?( )
A.乔戈里峰 B.珠穆朗玛峰 C.干城章嘉峰 D.公格尔山峰 [判断题]甲县公安局在办理李某被强奸一案时,为进一步查明李某被强奸时所受伤害的程度,指派了该局资深刑事法医王某对李某进行人身检查。()
[多选题]某办公楼,设置1部消防电梯和2部防烟楼梯间,消防电梯单独设置。在检查消防电梯及其前室时,下列做法中,符合规定的有( )。
A.消防电梯从首层到顶层的运行时间时60s B.在首层的消防电梯入口处设置供消防队员专用的操作按钮 C.消防电梯的前室的入口处采用防火卷帘分隔 D.地下层为无人员经常停留的汽车库,消防电梯不停靠 E.消防电梯前室的建筑面积为6m2 [单项选择]最常见的阿米巴病的肠外并发症是()
A. 心包炎 B. 腹膜炎 C. 肺脓肿 D. 肝脓肿 E. 脑脓肿 [单项选择]资产管理的主要内容本质上是对成本和收益的( )
A. 估计 B. 分配 C. 组合 D. 控制 [判断题]当两个吊钩一起工作时,物件的重量不许超过主钩的起重量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]
L.KJ-2000监控装置测距仪显示器的测距按键包括( )、【正/反】共6个按键。 A.【信号机】 B.【站中心】 C.【侧线】 D.【进岔】 E.【出岔】 [单项选择]过滤是通过表面吸附和()除去水中的悬浮物杂质。
A. 颗粒结合 B. 离子交换 C. 化学反应 D. 机械截留 [判断题]‘年5月15日起实施的通号分公司《员工行为规范》中规定,通号员工行为准则规定员工上班可以自由散漫。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]毒性
[单选题]排污许可的具体办法和实施步骤由( )规定。
A.全国人大 B.国务院 C.环保部 [判断题]封闭着火空间灭火的方式属于窒息法灭火。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交