Antibiotic resistance doesn’t just
make pathogens(病原体) difficult to treat, It also makes them harder to track
Traditionally, epidemiologists(流行病专家)following the paths of disease-causing
microbes have identified their suspects by features of bacterial
polysaccharide(多糖) coats, susceptibility to different antibiotics, or other
schemes But these tracking techniques "are losing their relevance (相关性,实用性),
"says Alexander Tomasz, a microbiologist at Rockefeller University in New York
City. With the increase in drug resistance, a variety of resistant microbes can
now wear the same coat or be resistant to the same drugs, making it harder and
harder to keep tabs on individual strains (菌株). Epidemiologists, therefore, are increasingly turning to more precise molecular typing techniques, such as DNA fingerprinting, to distinguish resistant strains. [判断题]现场心肺复苏应坚持不断地进行,如需将伤员由现场移往室内,中断操作时间不得超过7s;通道狭窄、上下楼层、送上救护车等的操作中断不得超过30s。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]开工前,应向建设、设备管理等单位取得施工现场及毗邻区域内真实、准确、完整的地下管线资料,相关方现场确认后就可得施工。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于隔离开关工作范围的是( )。
A.隔离电源 B.倒换母线 C.分合小电流 D.带负荷切断电源 [判断题]当工作人员检测漏电设备时,为防止接触电压电击,应戴上绝缘手套,穿上绝缘鞋。
[单选题] 挤压井施工时,用油嘴(或针型阀)控制放压,观察( )油井无溢流、 无井喷显示时,完成挤压井操作。
A.10min B. 15min C. 20min D.30min [多选题]进入受限空间作业如遇以下情况,监护人应立即组织作业人员紧急撤离()。
A.作业人员出现身体不适 B.安全防护设备或个体防护用品失效 C.气体检测报警仪报警 D.其他可能危及安全的情况 [单选题] 高压断路器型号第一单元代表名称,如L表示( )断路器。
A.直流 B.六氟化硫 C.真空 [单选题]以下关于高频通信说法错误的是?
A.高频通信用于远距离通信 B.高频通信可以用于飞机与地面台之间通信 C.高频通信可以用于飞机与飞机之间通信 D.高频通信系统只能在空中使用 [判断题]电动工具使用前,应检查确认电线、接地或接零完好;检查确认工具的金属外壳可靠接地。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]银行业金融机构案件问责工作应当接受( )的监督和指导。
A.中国人银行 B.省联社 C.银行业监督管理机构 D.本地区审计中心 [单项选择]男性,20岁,运动员,2小时前运动时不慎扭伤右膝,剧痛,查体:右膝关节肿胀、活动受限,不能主动伸直膝关节,X线摄片阴性,考虑半月板损伤可能,急诊入院。假如已确诊为内侧半月板桶柄状破裂,其治疗方案,最好选用()
A. 石膏固定限制膝关节活动 B. 局部用外敷药 C. 抽出膝关节内积血加压包扎 D. 关节镜下切除半月板损伤部分 E. 半月板全切除术 [单项选择]对苯海索治疗帕金森病的错误说法是( )
A. 与左旋多巴合用疗效增强 B. 不能耐受左旋多巴者 C. 禁用左旋多巴者 D. 抗精神病药引起的帕金森综合征无效 E. 适用于轻症帕金森病 [单选题]资后通过各种手段抽逃资金”属于()。
A. 虚假注资 B. 主体基础资料虚假 C. 担保虚假 D. 贷款用途虚假 [单选题]大理石的学名为大理岩,是一种____岩。
A.变质 B.沉积 C.火成 D.玄武 [单项选择]"She was married to an officer in India long ago and she had a life of physical adventure as exciting as her poetry. Her husband could cross rivers, using crocodiles (鳄鱼) as stepping stones. He died when she was only thirty-nine. Unwilling to exist without him, she took her life, leaving a son in England."
I stared at the paper, (36) reading, couldn’t help thinking. Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule, but they can (37) like lightning when they want to. And they don’t mind hurrying (38) they’re hungry. There used to be lots in Indian rivers, living on fish mostly, but what’s a little fish (39) a fifteen-toot crocodile They are people, fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near; women doing the (40) or children playing at the water’s (41) . A hungry crocodile’s mouth (42) over a meal with a sound like a gunshot. A big fellow can (43) in a man in two bites. That woman’s husband crossed rivers (4 A. go B. take C. eat D. catch [简答题][T]A-C-B-001 3 4 2
简述全站仪各个构成系统的作用。 [判断题]乘客信息系统须定期下发播表,避免播表过期导致视频无法播放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ⻜机迫降后,在何种情况下乘务员不可以自行决定撤离:( )
A. 乘务员受伤,机上人员伤亡惨重, B. 机体严重破损; C. 机上起火烟雾且无法控制; D. 水上迫降;严重燃油泄露 我来回答: 提交