Communication is the lifeline of modern business. Without it business cannot function. Every transaction (交易) needs communication.
The objective of business is to produce and sell for a profit goods and services that satisfy society’s needs and wants. Such goods and service are made available in a market. It is at the market that supply and demand are achieved in a purchase-sale transaction at a specific price. The profit is the seller’s motive to engage in business.
Successful enterprise management rests on three basic elements: leadership, motivation, and communication. When a highly successful company begins to go down, it is usually a consequence of incompetent leadership and a failure in communication is often found to be a contributing factor.
Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user. Simply to produce a product is not enough. The product must be trans
A. Goods and services.
B. International marketing.
C. Communication.
D. Enterprise management.
Our ape-men forefathers had no obvious
natural weapons in the struggle for (1) in the open. They had
neither the powerful teeth nor the strong claws of the big cats. They could not
(2) with the bear, whose strength, speed and claws
(3) an impressive " small fire" weaponry. They could not even
defend themselves (4) running swiftly like the horses, zebras
or small animals. If the ape-men had attempted to compete on those terms in the
open, they would have been (5) to failure and extinction. But
they were (6) with enormous concealed advantages of a kind
not possessed by any of their competitors. In the search (7) the pickings of the forest, the ape-men had (8) A. in B. upon C. by D. with [判断题]铁路货车定检周期分为以时间和运行里程结合时间两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国对特许权使用费来源地的判定标准是()。
A. 特许权的使用地 B. 特许权所有者的居住地 C. 特许权使用费的支付者居住地 D. 支付地 [多选题]( ) 青春期成人感的出现,随之产生一连串的困惑和烦恼( )。
A.身体变化所引起的烦恼 B.学习的烦恼 C.人际关系的烦恼 D.前途的烦恼 [单项选择]空间是指( )。
A. 由点、线、面占据、扩展或围合而成的三度虚体 B. 由点、线、面、体占据、扩展或围合而成的三度虚体 C. 与时间相对的一种物质概念 D. 一个地方所占据的体积 [单项选择]根据《药品管理法》的规定,第一类精神药品的处方,除特殊需要外,每次不得超过几日的常用量
A. 1日 B. 3日 C. 5日 D. 7日 E. 14日 [多项选择]属于点到点连接的链路层协议有( )。
A. X.25 B. HDLC C. ATM D. PPP E. RIP [单项选择]下列各组地形名称中,全部位于北方地区的是()
A. 东北平原华北平原辽东丘陵 B. 云贵高原东南丘陵青藏高原 C. 小兴安岭塔里木盆地横断山脉 D. 天山山脉内蒙古高原四川盆地 [判断题]每个职业(工种)的等级都是从初级开始的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]由于各部门生产工作过程具有不同的性质和特点,在规定活劳动消耗量时,可采用多种计量方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]宣誓的要求、程序和誓词内容,由支队以上单位根据什么来确定?(简单)
[多选题]设备维护保养要坚持做到( )。
A.保持清洁 B.润滑良好 C.遵章使用 D.定期检查 [单选题]用快捷键退出word的最快方法是( )
A.A.alt+tab B.B.ctrl+f4 C.C.esc D.D.alt+f4 [单项选择]宋代的插花特别注重构思的理性意念,花材多选用有寓意深刻的松、竹、梅、兰、()等上品花木。
A. 牡丹 B. 水仙 C. 仙人掌 D. 桂花 [单选题]72.以下表述错误的是( )。
A.重型支撑套具只能用于建(构)筑物倒塌救援。 B.重型支撑套具也可以用于沟渠或隧道救援。 C.在进入危险建筑物中实施救援前需要使用支撑顶杆,对危险的建筑物进行支撑固定,以保护救援者与被救援者。 D.重型支撑套具主要用于建(构)筑物倒塌救援,必要时可以组合使用。 [判断题]辛亥革命的中坚力量是海外华侨。
[单选题]在爆破作业区域内有两个及以上爆破施工单位同时实施爆破作业时,必须由( )负责统一协调指挥。(GB50201—2012《土方与爆破工程施工及验收规范》5.1.7)
A.A.建设单位 B.监理单位 C.爆破单位 D.行政主管部门 [单选题]Eudemon 防火墙通过下面哪一个表项来标识
一个完整的连接的 A. 路由表 B. ARP 表 C. Session 表 D. 邻居表 [单项选择]
Bees and Colour On our table in the garden we put a blue card, and all around this blue card we put a number of different grey cards. These grey cards are of all possible shades of grey and include white and black. On each card a watch-glass is placed. The watch-glass on the blue card has some syrup(果汁) in it, all the others are empty. After a short time bees find the syrup, and they come for it again and again. Then, after some hours, we take away the watch-glass of syrup which was on the blue card and put an empty one in its place. Now what do the bees do They still go straight to the blue card, although there is no syrup there. They do not go to any of the grey cards, in spite of the fact that one of the greycards is of exactly the same brightness as the blue card. Thus the bees do not mistake any shade of grey for blue. In this way we have proved that they do really see blue as a colour. We can find out in just the same way A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned [填空题]熔结环氧粉末防腐层的显著优点之一是( );
[单选题] 根据《中国南方电网公司服务承诺》要求,欠费停电的客户缴清电费后,()复电。
A. 24小时内 B. 48小时内 C. 当日 D. 当即 [多选题]用地单位在申请压覆矿产资源时需向国土资源部门提供的资料有( )。
A.压覆矿产资源申请书 B.建设项目可行性研究报告 C.用地单位与矿业权人签订的准予压覆协议 D.压覆矿产资源评估报告 [判断题]冷某在自家经营的店面门前占道经营,影响了消防车辆执行灭火任务后返回单位停车场的道路。其行为不属于妨害社会管理的行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]判断错报包括两种情况,分别是()。
A. 通过测试样本估计出的总体的错报减去在测试中发现的已经识别的具体错报 B. 管理层和注册会计师对会计估计值的判断差异 C. 通过实质性分析程序推断出的估计错报 D. 管理层和注册会计师对选择和运用会计政策的判断差异 [填空题] Let’’s proceed to the main exhibit hall and look at some of the actual vehicles that have played a prominent role in speeding up mail delivery. Consider how long it used to take to send a letter across a relatively short (36)______. Back in the 1600’’s it took two weeks on (37)______to get a letter from Boston to New York, a distance of about 260 miles. Crossing a river was also a (38)______. Ferry service was so (39)______that a carrier would sometimes wait hours just to catch a ferry. For journeys inland, there was always the stagecoach, but the ride was by no means (40)______because it had to be (41)______with other passengers. The post office was pretty ingenious about some routes. In the nineteenth century, in the Southwestern desert, for instance, camels were (42)______in to help get the mail through. In Alaska, reindeer were used. This practice was discontinued because of the (43)______temperament of these animals.
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