An ethics crisis at one of the world’s
most successful human embryonic stem cell laboratories has plunged the
controversial field of research into a new swirl of uncertainty. The accusations
surrounding Korean cloning expert Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National
University--the first scientist to grow stem cells inside cloned human
embryos--has already killed a spate of planned studies that sought to prove the
cells’ medical potential. The claims that Hwang may have obtained human eggs for
his studies from women who felt pressured to donate are also reigniting a
long-smoldering debate in the United States over the ethics of paying young
women for their eggs, which are difficult to obtain but essential to the
production of stem cells tailored to individuals. Egg donation, which is generally safe but occasionally leads to serious and A. the most unpredictable factor B. the most wealthy organization C. the most uncontrollable one D. the least earnest one [单选题]高效液相色谱法分析时,流动相在使用前应先经过()μm的绿膜过滤和脱气处理。
A.0.2 B.0.45 C.0.8 D.1 [单项选择]切割机安全距离在多少米内,其他人员不能进入危险区?()
A. 15米 B. 20米 C. 18米 D. 10米 [单选题]下列存储器中存取速度最快的是()。
A.内存 B.硬盘 C.光盘 D.软盘 [简答题]电流互感器二次侧应多点接地,以防止一、二次绕组绝缘击穿,危害人身及设备安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]我们建议尽快召开一次会议。
A. 外感寒邪,内伤饮食 B. 风邪袭表,营卫不和 C. 寒邪袭表,营阴郁滞 D. 风寒外袭,少阴阳虚 E. 寒邪束表,内郁化热 [单选题]工作许可手续完成后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待工作内容、人员分工、带电部位和现场安全措施、进行危险点告知,并履行确认手续,( ),工作班方可开始工作。
A.A.所有人员签字后 B.B.装完工作接地线后 C.C.所有人员到位后 D.D.现场准备工作完成后 E./ F./ [多选题]S67《房地产贷款风险监测统计表》中持有房地产企业发行的债券一项反映填报机构持有房地产企业发行的()
A.企业债 B.公司债 C.短期融券 D.中期票据 [单选题]下列业务可以使用内部账户划款凭证的是( )
A.扣划企业账户贷款利息 B.保证金销户 C.客户账错账冲正 D.3110科目资金的跨行支付业务。 [简答题]有限空间应急救援应遵守什么要求?
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