Stop worrying about recession. That is the message from America’s R-word index. For each quarter, we (1) how many stones in the New York Times and the Washington Post include the word "recession". (2) bells were set (3) by the sharp jump in the "R-count" in the first quarter of this year. at a rate that in the past has (4) the start of a recession. In the second quarter. (5) . the number of articles (6) by more than one-third. A conspiracy theorist might suggest that newspaper editors, (7) about dwindling advertising revenues, have (8) the R-word.
The Economist has found that (9) the past two decades, the R-word index has been good at (10) mining-points in the American economy. (11) GDP figures which appear (12) after a lag, the numbers are instantly available. But how does the index perform in Germany, (13) there have also been (14) fears of recessi
A. which
B. where
C. who
D. what
One of the many oddities of migration
policy is that immigrants coming in to work permanently are usually a minority
of those who arrive legally. Most (1) countries admit
migrants mainly on grounds that have (2) to do with work.
They also admit two large groups on grounds that have nothing to do with their
skills or education, (3) these characteristics may determine
(4) rapidly they integrate. Almost everywhere, the biggest group (5) relatives of those who have already (6) . In the United States they (7) three-quarters of all legal (8) migrants. America even gives a few visas to (9) adult siblings. In parts of Burope, family reunification has become family formation, (10) sometimes delays integration: for instance, it allows third-generation Pakist A. when B. how C. what D. why [单项选择]反映资本家全部预付资本增殖程度的是()。
A. 剩余价值率 B. 利润率 C. 平均利润率 D. 年剩余价值率 [判断题]单线简支或连续梁,梁体竖向挠度限值按相应双线桥限值的0.5倍取用。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]患儿女2岁4天开始发热,T38.5℃~39℃,伴有咳嗽、流涕、眼红流泪,今起开始出皮疹,耳后、头颈部开始,体温更高,患儿烦躁不适加重。查体:急性病容、T39.8℃,精神萎靡,咽红,鼻涕、眼泪多,头部及躯干部可见较密皮疹,四肢也见少量散在皮疹,皮疹为红色斑丘疹,疹间皮肤正常。心率150次/分、两肺呼吸音较粗,腹软,肝肋下可及边缘。神经系统未见异常。患儿为进城务工人员子女,刚从老家接来,预防接史不详。昨日邻居有1-3岁小儿发热、出疹子。列出常见的护理问题。
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