The biggest problem facing Chile as it
promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at
the end of the earth. It is too far south to be a convenient stop on the way to
anywhere else and is much farther than a relatively cheap half-day flight away
from the big tourist markets, unlike Mexico, for example. Chile, therefore, is having to fight hard to attract tourists, to convince travelers that it is worth coming halfway round the world to visit. But it is succeeding, not only in existing markets like the USA and Western Europe but in new territories, in particular the Far East. Markets closer to home, however, are not being forgotten. More than 50% of visitors to Chile still come from its nearest neighbour, Argentina, where the cost of living is much higher. Like all S A. U.S. B. the Far East C. western Europe D. her neighbours [判断题]调度集中区段,非集控站按照非调度集中区段办理发车。( )(应知应会-《行规》第109条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前仍在探索的腹腔镜手术不包括( )
A. 胃切除术 B. Whipple手术 C. 门静脉转流术 D. 门静脉断流术 E. 解剖性肝切除术 [单选题] 客车报废自核准之日起取消配属,并在( )内解体完毕。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.6个月 [单选题]危化品根据()设置标志种类
A.A.常用危化品的危险特性和类别 B.B.常用危化品毒害性质 C.C.常用危化品避重就轻的原则 D.D.常用危化品的化学方程式 [单选题]氢气工艺管道设备吹扫置换用氮气含氧量不大于().
A.6% B.5% C.3% [单项选择]流脑患者出现昏迷、潮式呼吸、一侧瞳孔扩大,紧急处理为
A. 静脉注射呋塞米 B. 静脉注射20%甘露醇 C. 静脉滴注地塞米松 D. 立即气管切开 E. 使用人工呼吸机 [填空题]Harlem Renaisance refers to a period lasting for more than 10 years, during which a group of African and American writers produced a lot of literary works.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工程资料案卷软(内)卷皮尺寸高与宽通常为()咖。
A. 310X220 B. 297X420 C. 297~210 D. 300X220 [单选题]下列选项中,属于无线局域网标准的是( )。
A.IEEE 802.9 B.IEEE 802.10 C.IEEE 802.11 D.IEEE 802.12 [单选题]为方便用于现场终端维护,一般终端配备多少路232串口通讯接口()
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]公文的结尾通常采用的形式是( )。
A.交代制发公文的根据与目的 B.直接表明结论,以阐述制发此文的原因 C.发出号召、提出希望或要求 D.表示敬意、感谢 [多项选择]悬饮之饮停胸胁,可选方是
A. 椒目瓜蒌汤 B. 柴枳半夏汤 C. 十枣汤 D. 沙参麦冬汤 E. 控涎丹 [单选题]下列选项中根据变浮力原理测量的液位计是( )。
A.浮标 B.压差 C.浮筒 D.玻璃 [单选题]无产阶级的民主政治制度是
A.人民代表大会制度 B.无产阶级专政 C.政治协商制度 D.民主集中制 [单项选择]{{B}}Section A{{/B}}
{{B}}Directions:{{/B}}{{I}} This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.{{/I}}
A. He is tall and thin. B. He is crossing the street. C. He is Prof. Green, our new computer teacher. D. He looks older for his age. 我来回答: 提交