Questions 72-79 are based on
the following passage. Ask most people to list what makes them like someone on first meeting and they’ll tell you personality, intelligence, sense of humor. But they’re probably deceiving themselves. The characteristic that impresses people the most, when meeting anyone from a job applicant to a blind date, is appearance. And unfair and unenlightened as it may seem, attractive people are frequently preferred over their less attractive peers. Research begun in the early 1970s has shown that not only do good looks influence such things as choice of friends, lovers, and mates, but that they can also affect school grades, selection for jobs, and even the outcome of a trial. Psychologist Ellen Berscheid of the University of Minnesota and psychologist Elaine Walster, then at the University of Wisconsin, w A. appearance that hinders his/her inclination B. intelligence that triggers his/her interest C. appearance that touches off his/her inclination D. sweet personality and sense of humor that arouses his/her interest [判断题]全员参与是ISO9000标准的质量管理原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在蒸发器中,制冷剂与水分平均温差,仍然接()进行计算。
A. 算术平均温差 B. 对数平均温差 C. 函数平均温差 D. 指数平均温差 [判断题]公务员奖励的全部类别有:记三等功、记二等功、记一等功、授予荣誉称号。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]证券监督管理机构不能调整注册资本最低限额。()
A. 残伤 B. 长度、损伤度 C. 损伤度 D. 杂色 [判断题]登高使用绝缘梯时应设置专人监护
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]马克思主义是我们立党立国的根本指导思想。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据所用氧化剂的不同,氧化还原滴定法还可分为( )等具体方法。
A.高锰酸钾法 B.重铬酸钾法 C.碘量法 D.铈量法 [判断题]( ) 作业前,调车人员应事先检查线路和确认停留车位置,显示停留车位置信号应在车前20米以内。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交