Which two are true about unplugging an application container from a
Container database and plugging it into a different container database?
Plugging the application root into a different CDB plugs in all its application
The application root of an application container should be plugged into the
Other CDB before its application PDBs are plugged in.
Application PDBs in the application container must be unplugged before the
Application root is unplugged.
Unplugging the application root from a CDB unplugs all its application PDBs.
The advantages and disadvantages of a
large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has
been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population,
inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus,
each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be
obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large
population gives more scope ]for specialization and th A. higher productivity, but a lower average income B. lower productivity, but a higher average income C. lower productivity, and a lower average income D. higher productivity, and a higher average income [多选题]处理上山巷道水灾时应专人检查( )
A.CH4 B.CO C.H2S D.O2 [单项选择]患者,胆囊切除术后6天,出现上腹部疼痛,发热,体温38.5℃。应首先考虑的诊断是()。
A. 腹膜炎 B. 肺部感染 C. 伤口感染 D. 药物反应 E. 胆瘘 [填空题]数据库管理系统常见的数据模型有层次模型、网状模型和 【5】 3种。
[判断题]气阀中弹簧的作用是帮助阀片关闭和减轻阀片开启时与升程限制器的撞击。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]促使5-羟色胺与组胺释放,主要是由于
A. H+ B. 黏液 C. 胆碱 D. 胃蛋白酶 E. 以上都不是 [填空题]在进行旋转机械作业时,严禁带( )进行操作。
A. search.cnniC.net.cn B. gm_shanghai.com.cn C. 清华大学.中国 D. net.cn [判断题]人民警察的回避,由其所属的公安机关决定;公安机关负责人的回避,由上一级公安机关决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]业扩报装的内容有受理用户( )的用电业务申请。
A.新装 B.减容 C.增容 D.增设电源 [单项选择]人都不可能不犯错误,不定所有人都会犯严重错误。
A. 人都可能会犯错误,但有的人可能不犯严重错误。 B. 人都可能会犯错误,但所有的人都可能不犯严重错误。 C. 人都一定会犯错误,但有的人可能不犯严重错误。 D. 人都一定会犯错误,但所有的人都可能不犯严重错误。 E. 人都可能会犯错误,但有的人一定不犯严重错误。 [判断题] 第159题
测量带电的交叉跨越线路的垂直距离时,禁止使用金属尺、测量绳。() A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前全省高速公路对ETC车辆出口时按下列哪一项收费。( )
A.按实际行驶路径收费 B.按最短路径收费 C.按最低费率收费 D.途经杭州湾大桥的按最低费率收费,其他按最短路径收费 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第27.2.3规定:带电绝缘工具在运输过程中,应装在()。
A.专用工具袋 B.专用工具箱 C.专用工具车内 D.塑料袋内 [多选题]根据《山东省农村商业银行同业投资业务管理指导意见》,有权审批人在进行业务审批时,应重点关注( )。
A.调查、审查、审议各环节是否符合规定 B.各环节意见是否明确,是否一致,是否有反对意见;如有反对意见,要重点查看反对的理由和原因 C.业务类型、交易对手、资金投向是否存在明显违反规定的情况 D.业务风险程度是否与本行的风险承受能力相匹配 [单项选择]“十一五”期间平均节能率为( )。
A. 4.3% B. 4.4% C. 4.2% D. 4.5% [多选题]通过进水阀进入压力管道工作期间,应做好措施,确保进水阀始终处于全开状态。同时应做好对( )的防护,防止杂质进入损坏密封。
A.A.阀体密封 B.B.管道 C.C.密封腔 D.D.孔洞 [单项选择]乙类推挽功率放大器,易产生的失真是()。
A. 截止失真 B. 饱和失真 C. 无法确定 D. 交越失真 [单项选择]用于化疗导致的血小板降低的是()。
A. 亚叶酸钙 B. 氨磷汀 C. 美司那 D. 双膦酸盐 E. 白介素-11 [多项选择]
患者男性,30岁,因“视力下降2个月”来诊。入院诊断:鞍区占位,垂体腺瘤可能性大。于全身麻醉下行内镜经鼻垂体瘤切除术。术后第2天鼻腔不断有无色清凉液体流出。 如鼻腔流出液提示为脑脊液,下一步处理措施包括()A. 密切观察,卧床 B. 卧床,腰椎穿刺置管引流 C. 使用抗生素 D. 开颅显微镜下修补 E. 内镜经鼻修补 F. 脑室-腹腔分流手术 [判断题]WindowsServer2008操作系统的组策略规定不论策略值是否变动,系统仍然会每隔18小时自动应用一次安全性设置策略。( )(中)(第一篇:基础公共部分 第二章 基础知识 第一节 计算机基础知识)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下行业处在生命周期衰退期的是()。
A.太阳能行业 B.遗传工程行业 C.超级市场行业 D.自行车制造行业 [判断题]烘干室内的材料绝不能含硅,因含硅杂质会影响涂膜质量,造成缩孔。( )
[单项选择]We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that ______.
[单选题]Lawyers protesting about cuts don't attract the same level of public support as doctors and nurses.What goes on in the courts is not widely understood,and most people do not expect to neecl a publicly funded lawyer in the way that they rely on hospitals.Nevertheless,access to justice is a fundamental democratic right,and the chaos and failure unfolding across the legal system as the result of cuts should concern everyone who cares about justice.Research carried out by civil servants and published in May after it was leaked shows that the disruptive effect of legal aid cuts in England and Wales has spread from the civil courts to the criminal courts:where increasing numbers of clefendants are appearing without legal advice or representation,as a consequence of changes including new means tests.More than half of juclges questioned for the study voiced concerns about defendants not understanding that a guilty plea could lead to a reducecl sentence.The government knows there is a problem.not least because the王950m reduction in the legal aid bill in 2016,compared with 2010,was more than twice as much as it expected.But ministers have already clelayed far too long in the face of clear evidence that cuts in the family courts have been harmful.Official figures show that the proportion of plaintif{s and defendants with legal representation fell from 60%in 2012 t0 33%in the first quarter of last year,and it is not uncommon for one party in a civil case to be represented by a lawyer while the other is not.Some sensible changes have already been suggested in a review commissioned by the Labour party last year.These include a loosening of the criteria for legal aid eligibility to include all cases involving children,and representation for families in inquests where the state is already funding one party such as the police-which represents an essential rebalancing of justice's scales.The report also made the not unreasonable suggestion that law should be taught in schools.Avoiding costly lawsuits by encouraging people to treat court as a last resort sounds reasonable,and some of the consequences of the cuts were no doubt unintended.But the"simpler"and"more responsive"system promised by the Conservative justice secretary Ken Clarke when embarking on these cost-saving measures in 2010 now looks like wishful thinking at best.The current justice secretary,David Gauke,must act to restore confidence in a damaged system.Legal aid began in the UK in the 1940s with the rest of the welfare state.In the US,a defendant's entittement to a lawyer in a criminal case is enshrined in an amendment to the constitution.While the rules in the UK may lack this constitutional underpinning,people are still entitled to access to justice-including lawyers paid for with legal aid.
Legal aid cuts fail to raise much public concerns partly because
A.unlike doctors,lawyers have a bad reputation. B.most people lack enough legal knowledge. C.lawyers'protests are less reported by the media. D.the chaotic legal system is totally disappointing. [单选题]“改良文学之声,已起于国中,赞成反对者各居其半。鄙意容纳异议,自由讨论,固为学术发达之原则;独至改良中国文学,当以白话为文学正宗之说,其是非甚明,必不容反对者有讨论之余地,必以吾辈所主张者为绝对之是,而不容他人之匡正也……吾辈实无余闲与之作无谓之讨论也!”读上述陈独秀给胡适的这封信,下列说法最准确的是:( )
A.表明了陈独秀对白话文运动的成功充满自信 B.凸显了陈独秀率直、干脆利落的个性 C.反映了陈独秀的非理性主义倾向 D.以白话文取代文言文没有讨论的必要 [单选题]下列需与客运站经营者签订安全责任协议的是( )。
A. 乘客 B. 站内服务人员 C. 入该站的营运客车驾驶员 D. 进入该站的营运客车所属道路旅客运输经营者 [填空题]根据溶质原子在溶剂晶格中分布情况的不同,可将固溶体分为()和()。
A. 外源化学物与机体接触部位 B. 器官和组织的血流量和对化学毒物的亲和力 C. 化学毒物在机体的转运过程 D. 外源化学物的性质 E. 化学物的剂量 [单选题]斜井提升全速运行发生事故时应立即停车,停车地点与事故地点之间的距离上行时不得超过()。
A.3m B.5m C.7m [判断题]高低压同杆架设,在低压带电线路上工作时,应先检查与高压线的距离,采取防止误碰带电高压设备的措施。在下层低压带电导线未采取绝缘措施或未停电时,可以穿越线路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人或物体通过时是通过()两侧的光电开关来检测出,从而防止被门夹住。
A.内端门 B.厕所门 C.司机室门 D.塞拉门 [单项选择]检测主动脉瓣反流频谱的最佳切面为
A. 胸骨左室长轴图 B. 心尖左室长轴图 C. 胸骨旁或心尖五腔图 D. 大动脉短轴图 E. 胸骨旁四腔图 [多选题]对于可预见的大客流(如节假日、大型活动等),客运处区域站应根据预测情况提前采取措施, 做好哪些准备工作?( )
A.相关车站检查各出入口、通道是否畅通 B.车站站长(值班站长)合理安排各岗位人员的工作,并通知地铁公安协助车站维持秩序 C.客运处提前向票务处提交计划,确保车站有足够的适当面额的预赋值单程票,在大客流发生时投入使用 D.车站做好临时导向标志、告示牌、临时售票亭等客运设施的准备、设置工作 我来回答: 提交