Passage 7 Changes in residence and jobs place a tremendous amount of stress and pressure on people (1) they try to adjust themselves to new people and places. Yet transient relationships are not (2) only to people and places. Objects move in and out of our lives at an astonishing rate. America, the "consumer society", has also (3) the name "the throw away society". Every year we throw away incredible quantities of bottles, cans, paper, and on and on. Buildings are torn (4) around us, and new ones take their places; they are cheaper to replace than to repair. With every major change, our places feel less familiar. Our lives become filled with a sense of impermanence and uncertainty. The rate at which new and sometimes contradictory information comes at us (5) contributes to our feelings of A. so that B. as C. until D. since [单选题]使用剪断器时,应使刀口与被剪断工件垂直,避免受侧向力;两片刀口端部错开距离大于( )mm时,应退刀调整以免损坏剪刀;
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.7 模拟试题(四) 一、选择题(第1题~第160题。选择正确的答案,将相应的字母填入题内的括号中。每题0.5分,满分80。) [多选题]《电力安全事故应急处置和调查处理条例》第十四条规定:事故危及 人身和设备安全的,发电厂、变电站运行值班人员可以按照有关规定,立即采 取停运( )等紧急处置措施。
A.发电机组 B.单一输电线路 C.输变电设备 D.重要配电线路 E.重要配电设备 [单项选择]The ability to express oneself and to communicate is extremely important for public speakers. It is also important for those who want to _(47)_______ themselves well in a society that is full of (48)_______ competition. How can we gain such ability, especially for those who are born timid and shy
Well, first of all, your (49)______ about the importance of public speaking is absolutely correct. People need to be able to (50)_______ themselves effectively, whether they are going to be a journalist such as you are, whether they are going to be a businessman or businesswoman, whether they are (51)______ education and to be a teacher. And if people are going to law, they have to (52)______ effectively all the time, and much of the communication take the form of public speaking. Some take written form, for example, journalism. We have print journalism and broadcast journalism, but the (53)_______ of effective communication are substantially the same. Of course, all of those are forms of
A.国药证字H(Z、S)+4位年号+4位顺序号 B.BH(Z、S)+4位年号+4位顺序号 C.H(Z、S)C+4位年号+4位顺序号 D.H(Z、S)+4位年号+4位顺序号 E.药品批准文号的格式为 [单项选择]采用泡沫灭火系统时应注意的问题是:不宜用()灭火系统扑灭流动着的可燃液体或气体火灾,此外,也不宜与水枪和喷雾系统同时使用。
A. 低倍数泡沫 B. 中倍数泡沫 C. 高倍数泡沫 D. 固定式泡沫 [单选题]行政复议机关收到行政复议申请后,应当在()内进行审查,决定是否受理。
A.3日 B.5日 C.10日 D.15日 [单选题]( )的卫生问题主要是微生物污染与生霉。
A.食盐 B.白糖 C.醋 D.酱油 [多选题]已满14周岁不满18周岁的人有违法行为的,()行政处罚。
A.从轻 B.减轻 C.免除 D.不予 [单项选择]关于D-二聚体,描述不正确的是()。
A. 胶乳凝集法阴性,ELISA法正常参考值400μg∕L B. D-二聚体只来自纤维蛋白降解产物 C. 对诊断血栓性疾病和消耗性凝血病等继发性纤溶疾病有较高的特异性 D. 原发性纤溶D-二聚体升高 E. D-二聚体对急性肺栓塞有较大的排除诊断价值,若其含量低于500μg∕L,可基本排除急性肺栓塞 [单项选择]世界上产量最大的茶是()。
A. 绿茶 B. 红茶 C. 乌龙茶 D. 黑茶 [单选题](五十七)某血液中心2015年8月一名维持性透析患者突然出现不明原因发热,高钙血症,体重减轻,恶心,咳嗽咳痰,胸腔积液,痰找抗酸杆菌涂片提示阳性(1+),T-SPOT弱阳性
1该病人可能发生了( ) A.心力衰竭 B.急性肺炎 C.心包积液 D.开放性肺结核 [单选题]ZP·DJ型非电气化区段多信息移频轨道电路,用0.06Ω标准分路电阻线,在轨道电路不利处所轨面上分路时,接收盒限入残压不大于( ),轨道电路应可靠落下。
A.60mV B.70mV C.90mV D.95mV [单项选择]飞行高度越高,飞机的机动裕度().
A. 越小 B. 越大 C. 与飞行高度无关 [多项选择]子宫内膜异位症不孕的原因是( )
A. 输卵管不通 B. 输卵管摄卵功能降低 C. 黄体功能不足 D. 未破卵泡黄素化综合征 E. 自身免疫反应 [不定项选择题]A.右上腹疼痛向右肩背部放射
A.倾腹痛向腹内侧及会阴部放射 B.上腹部规律性疼痛向后背部放射 C.上腹部疼痛向腰骶部放射 D.腹痛伴有呼吸困难、胸闷胸痛 E.消化性溃疡 [多选题]手拉葫芦的优点有( )。
A. 结构紧凑 B. 手拉力小 C. 携带方便 D. 使用稳当 E. 比其他的起重机械容易掌握 [单项选择]对具有职位特殊性的公务员需要单独管理的,可以增设《公务员法》明确规定的职位之外的职位类别。下列哪一机关享有此增设权()
A. 全国人大常委会 B. 国务院 C. 中央公务员主管部门 D. 省级公务员主管部门 [填空题]供电网格重点从全局最优角度,确定()。
[单选题]悬浮抱杆组塔,保证抱杆倾斜角度控制在 度内。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]小微企业贷款管理办法中的五表是指?()
A.电表 B.水表 C.纳税申报表 D.工资表 E.海关报表 F.资产负债表 我来回答: 提交