Every newborn baby is dealt a hand of
cards which helps to determine how long he or she will be allowed to play the
game of life. Good cards will help those who have them to have a long and
healthy existence, while bad cards will bring to those who have them terrible
diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease. Occasionally, cards are
dealt out that doom their holders to an early death. In the past, people never
knew exactly which cards they had been dealt. They could guess at the future
only by looking at the kind of health problems experienced by their parents or
grandparents. Genetic testing, which makes it possible to find dangerous genes, has changed all this. But, until recently, if you were tested positive for a bad gene you were not obliged to reveal this to anyone else except in a few extreme circumstances. This A. to enable people to change genes. B. to help people to create good genes. C. to predict diseases people may have. D. to detect accurately what diseases people may develop. [单项选择]The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart? ()
A. Top center B. Lower-left corner C. Part of the chart title D. Any clear area around the neat line [简答题]什么是火电机组的启动试运?一般分哪几个阶段?
[填空题]横越铁路线路、道口时,应选择有地道、天桥处通过,无地道、天桥通过时,应遵守“一停、二看、( )、四通过”及“( )、眼看、口呼”规定,不得抢越、钻车、翻越或穿越两车间隙。
[判断题] 职业病病人的诊疗、康复费用,伤残以及丧失劳动能力的职业病病人的社会保障,按照国家有关劳动保险的规定执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作监护是安全组织措施的最基本要求,工作负责人是执行工作任务的组织指挥者和安全负责人,()、()应始终在现场认真监护,及时纠正不安全行为。
A.A.到位人员 B.B.工作负责人 C.C.专责监护人 D.D.检修人员 [单项选择]怎样抢救脊柱骨折的伤员
A. 采取保暖措施 B. 用软板担架运送 C. 用三角巾固定 D. 扶持伤者移动 [多选题]销售人员在为客户办理理财产品认购手续前,特别注意以下哪些事项?
A.有效识别客户身份 B.向客户介绍理财产品销售业务流程、收费标准及方式等 C.提醒客户阅读销售文件,特别是风险揭示书和权益须知 D.确认客户抄录了风险确认语句 [多选题]本案的复议机关可以是()。
A.市政府 B.省政府 C.县政府 D.市公安局 [单选题]装8辆以上的机械冷藏车,每组装(卸)车时间不得超过( )。
A.6h B.8h C.10h D.12h [简答题]容量瓶如何试漏?
[单选题]重点目标以外的涉及公共安全的其他单位、场所、活动、设施,其主管部门和管理单位应当依照法律、行政法规规定,建立健全( ),落实安全责任制度。
A.安全管理制度 B.生产责任制度 C.工作管理制度 [判断题]普速铁路现场防护员防护距离不超过50米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《消费者权益保护法》规定,消费者在购买商品时,不享有( )。
A.获偿权 B.公平交易的权利 C.强制商家交易的权利 D.自主选择商品的权利 [多选题]关于刑法,下列表述正确的有()。
A.对累犯不适用缓刑 B.某甲犯故意杀人罪,但是有可能被适用缓刑 C.已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人犯罪可不负刑事责任 D.紧急避险超过必要限度造成不应有的损害的,应当负刑事责任 [单选题]为了检查可以短时停电,在触及电容器前必须( )。
A. 充分放电 B.长时间停电 C.冷却之后 [单项选择]难逆性抑制AChE的药物是()。
A. 有机磷酸酯类 B. 尼古丁 C. 新斯的明 D. 毛果芸香碱 E. 阿托品 我来回答: 提交