M: What food shall I buy today
W: I want a green salad for lunch. For supper, I want some meat.
M: What kind of meat, madam
W: Beefsteak.
M: How much beefsteak do you want
W: About 2 pounds. Do we have enough bread and potatoes
M: We have enough bread. But we don’t have enough potatoes. Shall I buy some potatoes
America’s economic recovery remains
uncomfortably weak. The latest data show industrial production falling while the
trade deficit soars to record levels. To round off a dismal week for economic
statistics, the Fed announced that industrial production fell by 0.2 percent in
December compared with the previous month. That came as a disappointment to
economists who had been expecting a small rise. Monthly data are always
unreliable, of course; there is always a plausible explanation for unexpectedly
bad (or good) news. But nearly all recent economic statistics point to the same
conclusion--that American’s recovery remains sluggish (缓慢的) and erratic (不稳定的).
It could put pressure on the Fed to consider cutting interest rates again when
its policy making committee meets at the end of the month. The biggest obstacle to hea A. It is flourishing. B. It faces an uncertain future. C. It remains depressing. D. It shows unreliable signs. [判断题]对断路器的运行维护中,雷雨季节雷电活动后应进行特殊巡视检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]室内消火栓只限于消防专业人员使用,其他人不得使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据政府采购法律制度的规定,采用邀请招标方式的,采购人应当从符合相应资格条件的供应商中随机邀请()以上的供应商,并以投标邀请书的方式,邀请其参加投标。
A. 3家 B. 5家 C. 10家 D. 15家 [单选题]直流负荷按性质可分为经常负荷、事故负荷和冲击负荷三类,下列哪项是事故负荷?( )
A.要求直流系统在正常工况下应可靠供电的负荷 B.断路器操作负荷 C.要求直流系统在交流电源系统事故停电时间内可靠供电的负荷 D.交流不停电电源,远动和通信装置的电源负荷 [判断题]业务经理要定期与政府有关部门联系,掌握辖区内工程项目计划和建设情况,根据进度及时提出项目服务意见。(出自《中国南方电网公司客户服务管理办法》)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]弟、妹对兄、姐负担扶养义务的条件有()。
A. 弟、妹由兄、姐扶养长大 B. 父母已经死亡或无力抚养 C. 弟、妹有负担能力 D. 兄、姐缺乏劳动能力又缺乏生活来源的 [单项选择]
At first I couldn’t believe it! There were no (21) in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to (22) . Although we all lived "in", (23) made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no "lights out". [单项选择]下面的数组声明语句中正确的是( )。
A. Dim gg[1,5]As String B. Dim gg[1 To 5,1 To 5]As String C. Dim gg(1 To 5)As String D. Dim gg[1:5,1:5]As String [单项选择]溶血性输血反应()
A. Ⅰ型 B. Ⅱ型 C. 迟发型 D. Ⅳ型 E. 速发型 [简答题]下列哪种药属于钙拮抗剂?
[多选题]应急救援工作包含下例哪些内容( )。
A.危险化学品泄漏 B.道路交通事故 C.建筑坍塌 D.重大安全生产事故 [单项选择]劳动者接受健康检查的时间应视为()。
A. 请假 B. 旷工 C. 正常出勤 [多项选择]下列柜员签发重要空白凭证业务流程那些是正确的?()
A. 柜员填错或交易失败造成的作废,应在作废凭证上加盖“作废”戳记 B. 签发重要空白凭证必需进行销号控制 C. 作废凭证应剪右下角后作次日传票附件 D. 签发重要空白凭证时,必须按顺序号使用,号码衔接 [多选题]列控中心通过和CTC通信接口向CTC设备传输( )等信息。
A.区间闭塞分区状态 B.编码 C.方向 D.设备状态 [单项选择]A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain (31) both on resources of consumers and on the motives that (32) to encourage or discourage money spending.
If an (33) were asked which of three groups borrow most—people with rising incomes, (34) incomes, or declining incomes—he would (35) answer: those with declining incomes. Actually, in the past, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with declining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the (36) . This shows us that traditional (37) about earning and spending are not always (38) . Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will (39) to buy. If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying. (40) research surveys have shown that this is not always (41) The expectations of price increas A. most B. least C. fewest D. worst [单选题]父母的ABO血型的基因型分别为AA.AB,其子女可能的血型是
A.A型、B型、AB型 B..型、AB型 C.A型、B型 D.B型、AB型 E.AB型 [多选题]1992年美国全国反虚假财务报告委员会下属的发起人委员会发布《内部控制一整体框架》,文件明确了内部控制的三大目标,包括()。
A.控制环境风险 B.财务报告的可靠性 C.发展的效果和效率 D.财务报告的合规性 E.相关法律法规的遵循 [简答题]《关于加强重要电力用户供电电源及自备应急电源配置监督管理的意见》规定,重要电力用户供电电源的配置至少应符合哪些要求?
[单选题]变压器装设的差动保护,对变压器来说一般要求是( )。
A.所有变压器均装 B.视变压器的使用性质而定 C.1500kVA以上的变压器要装设 D.8000kVA以上的变压器要装设 [判断题]生产类紧急非抢修工单内容包括供电企业计划检修、协助停电及低压计量装置故障。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]航空器在遇非法干扰事件时可通过现场人数、手持武器、座位号,初步理解评估现场武力等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]左前斜位上,心后间隙消失见于:( )
A. 左心房增大 B. 左心室增大 C. 右心房增大 D. 右心室增大 E. 二尖瓣狭窄 我来回答: 提交