Naturally the young are more inclined
to novelty than their elders and it is in their speech, as it always was, that
most of the vocabulary changes originate. But listening critically to their talk
I hear hardly my new words. It is all a matter of using old words in a new way
and then copying each other as they wish to speak differently from their
parents. They want even more to speak like people of their own age. A new usage
once took time to spread, but now a pop star can flash it across the world in
hours. Of course, it is not only the young who like to use the latest in-word. While they are describing their idols as smashing, great, or cosmic (宇宙的), their parents and the more discriminating of the younger set are also groping for words of praise that are at once apt and fashionable. However, their choice of splendid, A. they lose their freshness B. there are more words available in this area C. young people are becoming more discriminating D. older people try to avoid the in-words of the young [单项选择]BSP方法的定义企业过程可获得许多结果和资料。下列结果和资料中,哪个对识别企业成功最重要
A. 过程组及目录 B. 关键过程名 C. 过程说明书 D. 产品/服务流程图 [单项选择](评价三级信息的标准和依据)可以揭示该著作的主观偏倚程度及其参考价值
A. 出版社发行的年代 B. 编书的日的和用途 C. 出版社发行的版次 D. 引用参考文献质量 E. 作者的专业经验和水平 [单选题]阀厅内高压穿墙套管试验加压前应通知阀厅外侧换流变压器上试验无关人员撤离,确认其余绕组均已( ),并派专人监护。
A.可靠绝缘 B.可靠接地 C.可靠断开 D.可靠连接 [单选题](48082)曲线上成段更换钢轨时,若将长轨条布置在道心,则距旧轨不小于( )。(1.0分)
A.150㎜ B.200㎜ C.250㎜ D.300㎜ [判断题] 一个政党,一个政权,其前途命运取决于人心向背。人民群众反对什么、痛恨什么,我们就要坚决防范和纠正什么。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.51 注册登记查验时,关于号牌板(架),查验不合格的是_______。
A.前号牌板(架)(摩托车除外)设于前面中部或右侧(按机动车前进方向) B.后号牌板(架)设于后面中部或左侧(按机动车前进方向) C.号牌板(架)能安装符合GA36要求的机动车号牌 D.2016年3月1日后出厂的机动车号牌板(架)上只设有2个号牌安装孔 [单选题]各生产现场应有( )的标示。
A.逃生路线 B.检查路线 C.特巡路线 D.行走路线 我来回答: 提交