The cellphone, a device we have lived
with for more than a decade, offers a good example of a popular technology’s
unforeseen side effects. More than one billion are (1) use
around the world, and when asked, their (2) say they love
their phones for the safety and convenience (3) provide.
People also report that they are (4) in their use of their
phones. One opinion survey (5) that "98 percent of Americans
say they move away from (6) when talking on a wireless phone
in public" (7) "86 percent say they ’never’ or ’rarely’
speak (8) wireless phones" when conducting (9)
with clerks or bank tellers. Clearly, there exists a (10)
between our reported cellphone behavior and our actual
behavior. Cellphone users—that is to say, most of us—are (11) instigators and vi A. have B. find C. receive D. accept [多选题]多选题
A.下列哪几项属于《外汇管理条例》所称外汇() B.外币现钞 C.外币有价证券 D.境外银行开来的信用证 E.银行外币存款凭证 [单项选择]患者虽有便意,临厕努挣而难于排出,便后汗出疲乏,排出之便并不干硬,面白神疲,舌淡苔白,脉虚弱。其治法是
A. 养血润肠 B. 益气润肠 C. 温阳通便 D. 顺气行滞 E. 疏肝解郁 [判断题]止血带捆扎的时间过长,止血效果越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]色谱定量分析中需要准确进样的方法是( )。
A.归一化法 B.外标法 C.内标法D.比较法 [简答题]种子纠纷解决途径有哪些?
A.二极管具有单向导电性 B.不改变输入脉冲的形状 C.正向电流大于反向电流 D.同负载有关 [判断题]20人~100人(含20人)的野外生产作业场所和钻井队、采油队、油库、炼化车间、临时派外作业队伍等流动性比较大的生产作业场所配备大型急救包1个。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]测量车体倾斜时,应将车辆推放到曲线上。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗青霉素引起的过敏性休克的首选药是( )
A. 多巴胺 B. 异丙肾上腺素 C. 去甲肾上腺素 D. 肾上腺素 [多项选择]肝郁克脾型泄泻,治疗应选用()
A. 横擦腰骶部、直擦督脉 B. 按揉章门,期门 C. 斜擦两胁 D. 按揉肝俞、胆俞、膈俞 E. 摩腹 [单选题]铝合金韦氏硬度测量时两相邻压痕中心之间的距离不应小于()mm.
A.A、5.5 B.B、4.0 C.C、6.5 D.D、6.0 [单选题] Ah的蓄电池,10小时率电流放电时,电流是()A。
A.50 B.300 C.150 D.200 [单选题]内攻以小组为单位,每组一般不少于( )人,佩戴齐全个人防护装备,携带救生照明线、导向绳、照明、通信等装备,沿救生照明线、绳索、水带、墙体等行进,做到同出同进,防止方向迷失。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百三十九条规定:在安全事故发生后,负有报告职责的人员不报或者谎报事故情况,贻误事故抢救,情节严重的,处()以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 5年 [单选题]( )是人民军队立军之本。
A.政治建军 B.改革强军 C.科技兴军 D.依法治军 [单选题]泵出口压力“1公斤”是指( )。
A.A、表压,约为0.1MPa B.B、表压,约为10MPa C.C、绝压,约为1MPa D.D、绝压,约为10MPa [填空题]Scientists in India have discovered a way to make bamboo plants produce flowers in laboratory. The British publication Nature recently reported the historical event. In the wild it call take (26) 120 years for some kinds of bamboo to flower, and after the plant drops its seeds it dies. The bamboo plant is used in many different ways. But (27) it takes so long to produce seeds, scientists never consider it a traditional farm crop. The recent breakthrough in India may change that. The research was done at the National Chemical Laboratory in India. Three scientists cut 200 pieces from two different kinds of bamboo plants, each was a few (28) long. The tiny cuttings were placed in the (29) of coconuts milk, plant-growth hormone and other nutrients. Just a few weeks later, flowers began to appear. They were the same size as flowers on (30) grown bamboos. Two weeks after that the plants began to produce seeds. In the wild, it will take 30
[单选题] 零件的加工质量有两大指标,即( )和表面质量。
A.加工精度 B.设计精度 C.尺寸精度 D.几何形状精度 [不定项选择题]A.天南星,枳实
A.菖蒲,竹茹,人参 B.竹茹,枳实 C.菖蒲,郁金,竹茹 D.天南星,郁金,枳实 E.涤痰汤的组成是导痰汤加 [判断题]( )螺杆泵应在吸排停止阀全关的情况下起动,以防过载或吸空。[T/]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在Word窗口下的()位置单击鼠标右键能
A.A:工具栏空白 处 B.B:状态栏空白处 C.C:标尺栏空白处 D.D:滚动条空 白处 [判断题]某供电公司在一项检修工程中,工作负责人在无操作票、无监护、未佩戴安全帽和绝缘手套的情况下。登上10kV线路电杆装设接地线。工作过程中与杆上带电设备安全距离不足发生触电并坠落。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]抢险救援的一般处置程序和方法有( )。(中)
A.接警出动 B.个人防护 C.破拆救生 D.设立警戒 E.洗消处理 [单项选择]
The newspaper production process has come a long way from the old days when the paper was written, edited, typeset and ultimately printed in one building with the journalists working on the upper floors and the printing (19) going on the ground floor. These days the editors, sub-editors and journalists who put the paper together are (20) to find themselves in a totally different building or maybe even in a different city. This is the (21) which now prevails in Sydney. The daily paper is complied at the editorial headquarters, known as the pre-press centre, in the heart of the city but printed far away in the suburbs at the printing centre. Her human beings are in the (22) as much of the work is done by automated machines controlled by computers. (23) the finished newspaper has been created for the next morning’s edition, all the pages are (24) electronically from pre-press centre to t [判断题]生产厂区可根据具体情况指定燃放烟花炮竹的区域。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交