Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated
(举行就职典礼) on March 4, 1801. He was the first President to take the oath of office
(宣誓就职) in the nation’s permanent capital, Washington, D.C. Although Washington
was a new city, it was already familiar to President Jefferson. In fact,
Jefferson had helped plan the capital’s streets and pubic buildings. (79)
{{U}}Besides being a city planner and architect, the new President was a writer, a
scientist, and the inventor of several gadgets (小装置) and tools{{/U}}. After his inauguration, Jefferson moved into the Presidential Palace. The Palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the President and some of his staff and advisors. It also included dining and reception rooms, where the President could entertain congressmen. However, President Jefferson did not give many formal parties. This A. he did not enjoy elaborate parties B. he and his wife did not have appropriate clothes C. the food in the area was not good D. he could not understand foreign languages [多选题]下列构成抢夺罪的有( )
A.携带凶器抢夺 B.一年内曾因抢夺受过行政处罚的 C.抢夺公私财物,数额较大 D.多次抢夺的 [单项选择]杜威教育理论的代表作是( )
A. 《普通教育学》 B. 《民主主义与教育》 C. 《教育论》 D. 《学校敢于建立一个新的社会秩序吗》 [多选题]矿井供电三大保护的内容是( )。
A.断相保护 B.过流保护 C.漏电保护 D.过电压保护 E.保护接地 [判断题]室外明线布放跨越人行道时,高度不低于4.5m;跨越车行道时,高度不低于5.5m。()
A. 自行辩护 B. 聘请辩护人调查核实证据 C. 聘请辩护律师提供法代控告 D. 对与本案无关的问题拒绝回答 [单选题]患者男,65岁。因扁桃体癌进行放疗70Gy,放疗后2年出现下颌磨牙区黏膜破溃,牙槽突骨面外露并长期溢脓,牙松动。最可能的诊断是
A.牙周炎 B.多间隙感染 C.放射性颌骨骨髓炎 D.扁桃体癌复发侵犯颌骨 E.中央性化脓性 [判断题]加强廉政文化建设要围绕建设社会主义核心价值体系来开展。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题: 企业应针对()的特点提出相应的劳动防护用品管理的要求,并对所属施工现场等单位加强监督管理。
A.工程管理 C.工程 D.人员 [判断题]进入井下、坑道作业时,严禁大型机械在周边行进,不得停靠车辆或站立大量人员,也不必对井口、侧壁进行支撑。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]表达式Ri=EXP(Rj)是()运算。
A. 自然对数 B. 指数函数 C. 下取整 D. 上取整 [单选题]直流中间继电器的动作电压不应大于()Un
A.65%~70% B.50%~60% C.70%~75% D.80%~85% [单选题]搞好战备演练,要经常组织战备演练,了解辖区实际情况,熟悉内容和程序,掌握方法和要领,提高战备水平和( )能力。
A.执行任务 B.信息化作战 C.实施作战计划 D.组织和训练 我来回答: 提交