March 9, 2003—Malcolm Byrd was home on a Saturday night when a knock came. Three Rock Country, Wis., sheriff’s officers were there with a warrant for Byrd’s arrest. Cocaine possession, with intent to distribute, it said. Byrd tried to tell them that they had the wrong man, that it was a case of mistaken identity. But they wouldn’t listen. Instead they put him in handcuffs (手铐) and drove him away. It was nothing new for Byrd, who has spent much of the past five years trying—unsuccessfully—to talk skeptical police officers out of arresting him. But this time, it was worse. Two days later, he was still in jail. This is the worst thing for identity theft victims. Losing your clean credit history is one thing; losing you freedom is another. And victims of America’s fastest-growi A. he was wanted for drug dealing B. he drove too fast C. he was mistaken for drug dealing D. he was found of drug dealing [单选题]润滑油变质引起轴瓦合金熔化的故障是属于______故障。
A.工艺性 B.波及性 C.渐进性 D.管理性 [多选题]动车组过渡车钩用于()。
A.架车 B.自走行 C.救援 D.回送 [单项选择]From paragraph two, we can infer that ______.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为调整曳引钢丝绳在曳引轮上的包角和轿厢与对重的相对位置而设置的滑轮称为( )。
A.制动轮 B.导向轮 C.对重轮 D.曳引轮 [单选题]井下变电硐室长度超过( )时,必须在硐室的两端各设一个出口。
A.5 B.6 C.10 [简答题]党的群众路线教育实践活动中提出要以什么精神对作风之弊、行为之垢进行一次大排查、大检修、大扫除?
[单项选择]民间组织同企业等组织不同,其核心特征在于其组织的( )。
A. 公正性 B. 非营利性 C. 非市场化 D. 自律性 [判断题]增值税纳税人不一定是负税人。
A. 行政责任 B. 刑事责任 C. 经济责任 D. 民事责任 [判断题]开展交通道路火灾扑救或应急救援时,救援车辆应跨路斜停(车尾靠近来车方向) 在事故车辆 后方,停靠位置应距离事故点不少于 100 米。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]区间通话柱按铁路应急通信线路设备规定的维修周期执行计表,日常主要工作(月度计表工作)是通话柱_________。
A. 正中神经 B. 臂内侧皮神经 C. 桡神经 D. 肌皮神经 E. 尺神经 [多选题]做好经常性思想工作,要坚持以表扬为主,( )。
A.用真理说服人 B.用条令约束人 C.用真情感染人 D.用真实打动人 我来回答: 提交