Rhesus monkey, only 4 months old, has been taken from the shoulders of its mother and put into a small steel cage. Within minutes the fright in its little brown eyes softens into curiosity, and stepping carefully, the monkey makes its way across the cage. But when a man with a white hood over his head walks in and stops two feet away, the baby freezes. It pulls its body away from the cage and quietly looks the other way, appearing to ignore the man until, two minutes later, be leaves.
"This is a very inhibited response," says Dr. Judy Cameron, a neurobiologist and the director of the University of Pittsburgh’s primate laboratory, watching the monkey through an opening in a curtain. "Obviously, the intruder caused this animal a great deal of anxiety."
More important, for Dr. Cameron’s purposes, the baby monkey can be compared to a highly anxious or depressed human child. Now researchers are putting a spotlight on teenage depression,
The concept of personal choice in
relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all
illness may be{{U}} (62) {{/U}}if individuals would make sound personal
health choices{{U}} (63) {{/U}}upon current medical knowledge. We all
enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it{{U}} (64)
{{/U}}when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The
structure of American society allows us to make almost all our personal
decisions that may{{U}} (65) {{/U}}our health. If we{{U}} (66)
{{/U}}desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts,
eat{{U}} (67) {{/U}}foods we want, and live a{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle without any exercise. The freedom to make such
personal decisions is the fundamental{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of our society,{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}the wisdom of these A. enforced B. requested C. pressured D. rushed [单选题]UPS 电源每季进行充放电试验,每月主备 UPS 电源通过转换器进行( )试验
A.联锁 B.切换 C.停机 D.启机 [多选题]对公民而言,法治思维就是当自己的理想目标、()等与法律的价值、规则或要求发生冲突时,能够服从法律,作出符合法律的选择,按照法律的指引实施自己的行为。
A. 思想感情 B. 行为方式 C. 权利诉求 D. 利益关系 [判断题]根据有关规定,检验检疫机构对法定检验以外的进出口商品实施抽查检验。( )
[填空题]Part 3
Questions 19-25 ·Read the following article from the newspaper and answer questions 19-25. ·For questions 19-25, choose the correct answer A, B, CorD. ·Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. The Power of One Can we overcome apathy Yes, but only if we have hope. One reason for hope lies in the extraordinary nature of human intellectual accomplishment. A hundred years ago, the idea of a 747, of a man on moon, of the Internet remained in the realm of science fiction. Yet we have seen those things and much, much more. So, now that we have finally faced up to the terrible damage we have inflicted on our environment, our ingenuity is working overtime to find technological solutions. But technology alone is not enough. We must engage with our hearts also. And it’s happening around the world. Even companies once known only for profits and pollution are A. A.Environmentalists have made great achievements in bettering the environment. B.People can have great power if they work together to protect the environment. C.A person can make great contributions to protecting the environment. D.A company is of great power in protecting the environment. [单选题]消防机构在进行火灾直接经济损失统计时,不包括( )。
A.直接财产损失 B.人员伤亡后所支出的费用 C.善后处理费用 D.火灾施救时的费用 [单选题]在集体中,每个人都有用不同的角色,承担不同的职责。这有助于我们培养( D ) 。
A.集体责任感 B.家庭责任感 C.学习责任感 D.集体荣誉感 [简答题]3月15日,供电所工作人员在客户B家恰好遇到需要办理居民新装的客户A,客户A就把准备好的新装材料交给工作人员,让工作人员帮忙办理,但工作人员把客户A递交的材料遗忘在客户B家,没有为客户A及时办理新装业务。3月23日客户A到供电营业厅询问为何未装表接电?请问在此过程中,供电公司工作人员暴露出哪些问题?并对这一事件暴露出的问题提出改进建议。
A.内部干燥法 B.外部干燥法 C.通电干燥法 D.直流干燥法 [单选题]普通线路地段,25m 钢轨每千米轨缝总误差超过( ),应进行轨缝调整。
A.40mm B.80mm C.120mm D.160mm [单项选择]勘察合同示范文本按照委托勘察任务的不同分为(一)、(二)两个版本,分别适用于()的委托任务。
A. 岩土工程勘察、水文地质勘察 B. 民用建设工程勘察、其他专业工程勘察 C. 为设计提供勘察工作、仅限于岩土工程勘察 D. 要求简单的勘察、要求复杂的勘察 [单项选择]液体培养基的主要用途是()
A. 分离单个菌落 B. 鉴别菌种 C. 观察细菌运动能力 D. 增菌 E. 检测细菌毒素 我来回答: 提交