I am ashamed to begin with saying that Touraine is
the garden of France; that remark has long ago lost its bloom. The town of
Tours, however, has something sweet and bright, which suggests that it is
surrounded by a land of fruits. It is a very agreeable little city; few towns of
its size are more ripe, more complete, or, I should suppose, in better humor
with themselves and less disposed to envy the responsibilities of bigger places.
It is truly the capital of its smiling province; a region of easy abundance, of
good living, of genial, comfortable, optimistic, rather indolent opinions.
Balzac says in one of his tales that the real Tourangeau will not make an
effort, or displace himself even, to go in search of a pleasure; and it is not
difficult to understand the sources of this amiable cynicism. He must have a A. the shaded quay B. the Loire C. the great dike D. French history. [简答题]在电话中,对方有事需要你帮忙转达时怎么办?
[单选题]起重机整机工作级别等级划分为: ( )。
A.AO~A7 B.A1~A7 C.A1~A8 [判断题]用气相色谱法定量分析样品组分时,分离度应至少为1.0。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]超声仔细检查右上腹,未显示胆囊,原因可能为:①餐后;②胆囊位置异常;③胆囊发育不良或缺如;④萎缩性胆囊炎()
A. ①②③ B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ④ E. ①②③④ [单项选择]中国居民膳食宝塔的第三层是:()。
A. 调味品 B. 鱼、虾类 C. 鱼、禽、肉、蛋 D. 奶类、豆类 [简答题]万寿山周围环建着哪些建筑,使整个建筑群如同佛教中的一小世界?
A. 电力电缆 B. 电力电容器 C. 耦合电容器 [判断题]试验结束时, 试验人员应拆除自装的接地短路线, 并对被试设备进行检查,恢复试验前的状态,经工作负责人复查后,进行现场清理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]超声波检测中自由微粒放电的信号水平和峰值/有效值都高
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 以下哪项不是地市级公安大数据中心的主要作用( )
A. 发挥数据获取优势 B. 汇聚融合处理本地大数据资源 C. 链接各地市公安大数据中心 D. 联查联控、联动分析 [单项选择]张先生个人2000年10月5日以20万元购买一套普通住宅,2001年4月5日以 25万元将这套住宅卖掉,销售不动产营业税税率为5%,则张先生应纳营业税为( )万元。
A. 1.25 B. 0.25 C. 0.125 D. 0 [填空题]( )设备最重要的维护工作是构建和维护MAC地址表。
[判断题]夜间能见度低或浓烟中行动时,严格按照前虚后实探步前进的要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]创造力研究的提倡者吉尔福特认为创造力有四种特征:原创性、灵活性、流畅性、更新性。
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