Learning how to turn in homework
assignments on time is one of the invaluable skills that college students can
take with them into the working world. Though the workforce may not assign
homework to its workers in the traditional sense, many of the objectives and
jobs require that employees work with deadlines. The deadlines that students
encounter may be different in content when compared to the deadlines of the
workforce, but the importance of meeting those deadlines is the Failure to meet deadlines in both the classroom and the workforce can mean instant termination. For example, in the classroom, students form a contract with the teacher and the university when they enroll in a class. That contract requires that students complete the assignments and objectives in a specified time to receive a grade and credit for the course. Accordingly, j A. It will enable them to get a better job in the future. B. It will enable them to find the importance of the future job. C. It will help their performance and position in their future jobs. D. It will help them earn a lot of money. [填空题]要儿进行看图说话练习时()是最好的用具。
· Read the extract below from the annual report of a bed manufacturer. · In most of the lines (41-52) there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. · If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. · If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. {{B}}
The prime focus for management recently has been the integration into the Group of Damon Beds. This acquisition is very much greater part of our strategy to grow our 41 presence in the UK branded furniture market. We are neither convinced that 42 leveraging the proven brand management expertise of which we are proud is the 43 optimum route to continued and sustainable growth in shareholder value. Overall, 44 sales grew more quic [单选题]DC-32k捣固车程序逻辑表中表示右夹钳提起并保持输入信号的是()。
A.2X2C B.2X4C C.2X4D D.2X2B [单选题]装载( ),必须停放在固定的线路上,两端道岔应扳向不能进入该线的位置并加锁。
A.爆炸品、气体类危险货物的车辆及救援列车 B.爆炸品、液化气体类危险货物的车辆及救援列车 C.爆炸品、压缩气体、液化气体的车辆及救援列车 D.爆炸品、压缩气体的车辆及救援列车 [简答题] 同工酶
[单选题]在直观检查电子部件时,为防止()对电子部件的损坏,不得用手直接触摸电子元器件或用螺丝刀、指钳等金属部分触及器件和焊点。( )
A.灰尘 B.静电放电 C.感应电流 D.振动 [判断题]会议纪要和会议记录没有本质的区别。
[填空题]检查机车时,对不适宜锤检的部件应用( )检查。P70T321
A.神经肽 B.去甲肾上腺素 C.乙酰胆碱 D.5-羟色胺 E.肾上腺素 [单项选择]“在液为泪”的脏是()
A. 肝 B. 心 C. 脾 D. 肺 E. 肾 [单选题]母线保护装设应遵循的原则是:220kV-500kV双母线接线的应装()套母线保护。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]支设柱模板时,其四周应钉牢,操作时应搭设临时()。
A.安全围栏 B.步道 C.脚手架 D.安全网 [简答题]调车作业由车站值班员、调车领导人、调车长共同指挥。
A. 删除原错误基础信息 B. 在银行自身计算机处理系统中直接修改 C. 在数据接口程序中直接修改 D. 在国际收支网上巾报系统(银行版)中直接修改 [单选题]上提管柱时,产生的抽汲力能导致井底压力( )。 (五类) (七类)
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 D.为零 [单选题]一般空调水系统的控制及调节功能均由冷水()系统自动完成。
A.单控 B.群控 C.联合控制 D.人工控制 [多选题]电容器端子箱内加热器设置,应满足( )要求。[《国家电网有限公司输变电工程质量通病防治手册(2019年版)》1.4.2]
A.A.加热元件应安装在二次盘(柜)下部 B.与盘(柜)下部其他电气元件和二次电缆的距离不宜小于80mm,若距离无法满足要求,应增加热隔离措施 C.加热器的电源线应使用耐热绝缘导线 D.加热器的接线端子应在加热器上方 [简答题]《行规》对站内无空闲线路的特殊情况下接车有何规定?
A. 出口额 B. 进口额 C. 出口额减去进口额 D. 进口额减去出口额 [单选题]石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫系统中,二氧化硫吸收总速率受多个吸收过程中的分布反应所制约,其中速度慢,称为“速率控制”反应的是()。
A.二氧化硫的吸收 B.石灰石的溶解 C.氧化过程 D.结晶析出 [单项选择]下列排斥反应,哪个是由于受者体内存在针对供者特异性抗原的预存抗体引起的()
A. 超急性排斥反应 B. 加速性排斥反应 C. 急性排斥反应 D. 慢性排斥反应 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]X5023是常用的铣床型号,其中表示铣床组别的代号是()
A. X B. 0 C. 5 [单项选择]Anold Brown changed his name because_______.
A. there was racial discrimination in employment B. Brown was just the same as Braunowiitz C. it was easy to write D. Brown sounds better [判断题]恶搞是一种用反常、戏仿、非理性的言行举止,制造恶作剧式的反讽效果的网络表意方式。
A. A.正确 B.B.错误 [判断题]采用无线通信信道时,应保证在不打开终端端子盖的情况下天线能从终端上拔出或拆下。
[多选题]工作票签发人、工作负责人对( )的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和范围。
A.有触电危险$ B.$ 很大量$ C.$ 检修(施工)施工复杂容易发生事故$ D.$ 涂写杆号 [单项选择]化疗药物的概念是
A. 治疗各种疾病的化学药物 B. 治疗恶性肿瘤的化学药物 C. 防治细菌感染、寄生虫病和恶性肿瘤的化学药物 D. 防治病原微生物引起感染的化学药物 E. 人工合成的化学药物 [填空题]()镇是国内空调和电饭锅生产基地。
[单选题] 水流指示器其动作原理是,当水流指示器感应到水流动时,其电触点动作,接通延时电路( )。延时时间到后,通过继电器触发,发出声光信号给控制室,以识别火灾区域。
A.延时15s B.延时10~20s C.延时0~40s D.延时20~30s [单项选择]关于行政法规的制定,以下说法正确的是:
A. 行政法规应当由国务院法制机构起草或组织起草 B. 行政法规送审稿,由国务院法制办负责审查 C. 行政法规都应当自公布之日起30日后施行 D. 对具体应用行政法规的问题,各级政府可以请求国务院法制机构解释 [单选题]行道树与机动车道与非机动车道交叉口的最小距离是( )。
A.10m B.14m C.30m D.50m [多选题]蒸馏时往往采用掐头去尾,因酒尾中各组分比例失调,使酒的口味( )。
A.醇厚 B.淡薄 C.苦涩 D.回甜 E.糙辣 F.刺喉 我来回答: 提交