There seem to be two main reasons that
women cry more often. One is biological. Up to age 12, boys and girls cry
equally often. From then until age 18, the level of the hormone prolactin(催乳激素)
rises in young women, until their blood contains 60 per-cent more than men’ s.
And prolactin affects the production of tears. On the sociological side, men in particular are conditioned out of crying. From the age of 12 or 13, boys are told that crying shows a loss of control, that it is a sign of weakness. If men step outside the norm and show their feelings in the workplace, they run the risk of getting labels attached that are not complimentary. Researches on conversations show that women are more likely to talk about feelings, men about activities. This is a reflection of our socialization. Also, men are more likely to express th A. men are more likely than women to get their views across on workplace B. women are more likely than men to talk about social activities C. men seldom show their feelings except on sports D. women shouldn’t show their feelings in sports and politics [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规程》中规定,车票票面(特殊票种除外)主要应当载明:发站和到站站名;座别、卧别;径路;票价;车次;乘车日期;()。
A.A、有效期 B.B、旅客姓名 C.C、票号 D.D、身份证号 [名词解释]酶的活性部位
A. 全身无力,头昏耳鸣,眼前发黑 B. 面色苍白,失去知觉,突然晕倒 C. 手足发凉,脉搏慢弱,血压降低,呼吸缓慢 D. 以上都对 [多选题]以下属于随心选会员权益的是哪项?
A.哔哩哔哩 B.网易云音乐 C.优酷 D.爱奇艺 [简答题] 简述转移瘤的CT表现。
[单选题]对未成年人的不良行为和严重不良行为及时进行分级预防、干预和( )。
A.教育 B.惩罚 C.矫治 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司客运系统消防安全管理实施办法(试行)》(南铁客[2020]276号)规定各直属站、车务段、客运段要建立网格化检查排查机制。车间(车队)层面要()组织各班组开展一次日常消防安全检查。
A.每年 B.每半年 C.每季 D.每月 [判断题] 排烟路径或排烟口不得危及作战阵地,参战人员可以随意穿越或靠近。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as" steering the economy to a soft landing" or" a touch on the brakes", makes it sound Like a precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth. The link between interest rates and inflation is uncertain. And there are long, variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy. Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rear-view mirror and a faulty steering wheel.
Given all these disadvantages, central bankers seem to have had much to boast about of late. Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3% last year, close to its lowest level in 30 years, before rising slightly to 2.5% this July. This is a long way below the double-digit rates which many countries experienced in the 1970s and early 1980s.
It is also less than most forecasters had predicted. In late 1994 the panel of economists which The
A. critical of B. puzzled by C. disappointed at D. amazed at [判断题]串联型稳压电路常用三极管作为调整元件,并与负载相串联。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]银行业从业人员应做到授信尽责,但对申请贷款企业审核不包括( )。
A. 了解客户所在区域的信用环境 B. 了解企业财务总监的信誉程度 C. 了解担保物情况 D. 了解所在行业情况 [多项选择]根据有关规定,( )可以申请开立基本存款账户。
A. 企业法人 B. 社会团体 C. 个体经营户 D. 外国驻华机构 [判断题]县级以上人民政府统计机构颁发的涉外调查许可证,其有效期为三年。
A.最大充电电流 [单项选择]On the {{U}}brink{{/U}} of matrimony, he fled to a desert island.
A. ship B. proposal C. edge D. evasion [多项选择]下列说法正确的是( )。
A. T日16:00为网下申购资金入账的截止时点 B. 主承销商在确认累计投标询价申报结果数据后,于T日15:30前通过申购平台发送至登记结算平台 C. 主承销商于T+2日7:00前将确定的配售结果数据,包括发行价格、获配股数、配售款、证券账户、获配股份限售期限、配售对象证件代码等通过PROP发送至登记结算平台 D. 结算银行于T+2日根据主承销商通过登记结算平台提供的电子退款明细数据,按照原留存的配售对象汇款凭证,办理配售对象的退款 [单项选择]变更请求包括下列所有,除了()。
A. 纠正措施建议 B. 预防措施建议 C. 缺陷补救措施建议 D. 组织过程资产更新建议 [单选题]组织滴虫病的治疗药品有()
A.马杜拉霉素 B.二甲硝咪唑 C.左旋咪唑 D.盐霉素 [名词解释]沉积有机质
A. 脑电图检查 B. Guthrie试验 C. 尿三氯化铁试验 D. 尿蝶呤分析 E. 血钙、磷检测 [单项选择]下列治疗技术中不属于认知重建法的是()。
A. 三栏目技术 B. 与不合理信念辩论技术 C. 放松法 D. 合理情绪想象技术 [单选题]加注冷却水时,最好选择( )。
A.井水 B.泉水 C.雨雪水 D.蒸馏水 [填空题]上腔静脉阻塞时 ,胸壁静脉充盈,静脉血流方向自 ( )而( )。
A.左前斜位 B.右前斜位 C.后前位 D.卧位 E.左侧位 [单项选择]Kenny G is not a (musician) I really had (much of) an opinion about (him) (until recently).
A. musician B. much of C. him D. until recently [多选题]《安全生产法》规定未经依法批准,擅自( )危险物品或者处置废弃危险物品的,依照有关危险物品安全管理的法律、行政法规的规定予以处罚。
A.生产 B.经营 C.运输 D.储存 E.使用 [单选题]穿无菌衣和戴无菌手套后,必须保持的无菌地带除双上肢外,还需包括
A.整个胸.腹.背部; B.整个颈.胸.腹.背.肩部; C.腰部以上的前胸和背部; D.腰部以上的前胸和侧胸; E.腰部以上的所有位置; [判断题]轴头螺纹完好;各配合面光洁,与轴承配合不许松旷(转轴允许焊修、嵌套);轴配合面拉伤面积≦15%,拉伤深度与直径比≦2%,电机轴伸部中点处的圆跳动量≦0.15mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]线路上的伤损钢轨应用白铅油做好标记,( )的标记是|←△→|。
A.连续重伤 B.一点重伤 C.连续轻伤 D.一点轻伤 [单选题]配电变压器二次的零线电流不应大于变压器额定电流的( )。
A.0.25 B.0.2 C.0.15 D.0.05 [单选题]施工负责人根据联络线管理界面划分,到各自线路办理请销点作业,车站向本线行调申请请销点,本线行调同意请销点前须征得( )同意后,方可同意办理请销点作业。
A.邻线行调 B.邻线行车值班员 C.邻线值班站长 D.本站行车值班员 [多项选择]台湾的平均地权之实施方法有()
A. 规定地价 B. 照价征税 C. 公平买卖 D. 照价收买 E. 涨价归公 我来回答: 提交