W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages
M: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly. The tight economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households. Also, I believe there’s a comeback of thought--after the turbulent ’60s and ’70s--that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.
W: What is the divorce rate now
M: About 1 in 3 marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was 20 years ago when the philosophy was "We’ll tough it out no matter what. Society demands that, for appearances’ sake, we stay together. "
Divorce no longer carries much disgrace. There’s no way, for example, that Ronald Rea
A. They feared the complicated procedures.
B. They wanted to go against the trend.
C. They were afraid of losing face.
D. They were willing to stay together.
Languages will continue to diverge.
Even if English were to become the universal language, it would still take many
different forms. Indeed the same could happen to English as has happened to
Chinese: a language of intellectuals which doesn’t vary hugely alongside a large
number of variants used by local peoples. We will continue to teach other languages in some form, and not just for reasons of practicality. Learning a language is good for your mental health; it forces you to understand another cultural and intellectual system. So I hope British education will develop a more rational approach to the foreign languages available to students in line with their political importance. Because so many people believe it’s no longer important to know another language, I fear that time devoted to language teach A. English is the universal language B. Chinese would become the universal language C. languages always take kinds of forms D. English has no variants, but Chinese does [单项选择]“预付账款”账户期初余额为20000元,本期借方发生额为30000元,贷方发生额为35000元,则期末余额为()元。
A. 借方25000 B. 贷方25000 C. 借方15000 D. 贷方15000 [简答题]简述维纳的成败归因理论。
[多选题]按照国家有关规定应进行安全评价的建设项目有 ( )。
A.大型厂房建筑项目 B.矿山建设项目 C.金属冶炼建设项目 D.生产、储存、装卸危险物品的建设项目 [填空题]碳化物磨料主要用来研磨硬质合金、陶瓷与硬铬之类的()工件。
[单选题]在多人落水需要施救,应按“( )”的顺序进行救援。
A.准确迅速、科学施救 B.先近后远,先水面后水下 C.先老后幼 D.先女后男、先水面后水下 [单项选择]
Soft money is the huge, unlimited contributions from corporations, labor union and wealthy individuals that political parties raise and spend on campaign attack ads and other (1) designed to influence elections. The soft money system undermines campaign finance laws (2) limit contributions and (3) the sources of funds that can be spent on federal campaigns. It provides corporations, labor unions, and wealthy individuals a way to circumvent federal election laws and (4) campaigns with tens of millions of special interest dollars, (5) corporations and unions have been (6) from contributing or spending their treasury finds to influence federal elections since 1907 and 1947, (7) . Individuals can contribute to federal (8) through parties and candidates, but only in (9) amounts. [判断题]用经纬仪定线可消减定线误差。( )
[单选题]收费站遇无卡、闯关车时应核查车辆是否领取CPC卡,进行( )并详细登记。
A.核查处理 B.特情处理 C.稽查处理 D.补办处理 E.补票处理 [单项选择]( )是分析产业结构演变的基础和条件。
A. 产业政策 B. 产业构成 C. 产业发展水平 D. 产业间的技术经济联系 [单项选择]三十五岁男性患者,因右上后牙肿痛3天来就诊。查右上第一磨牙远中颈部龋深及牙髓,无深痛,Ⅲ度松动,叩(+++),牙龈红肿,扪痛。有波动感,右面颊部轻度水肿,体温38度。引发该病的细菌多为()。
A. 金葡菌 B. 混合厌氧菌 C. 变形链球菌 D. 链球菌 E. 大肠杆菌 [判断题]设置在高层民用建筑内的歌舞娱乐放映游艺场所,应采用耐火极限不低于2h的不燃烧体墙和耐火极限不低于1h的楼板与其他场所隔开。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开通第三方存管业务后仅可以投资股票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]装有开式或半开式叶轮的离心泵是用来输送浆料或含有固体悬浮物的液体。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]超高压再热机组的主蒸汽及再热蒸汽管道又可以分为单管制和双管制两种形式。
A. 印戒细胞 B. R-S细胞 C. 透明细胞 D. Touton多核巨细胞 [多选题]特种设备安全工作应当坚持( )的原则。
A.安全第一 B.预防为主 C.节能环保 D.综合治理 [单项选择]不易见低比重尿的疾病是()
A. 尿崩症 B. 慢性肾小球肾炎 C. 肾盂肾炎 D. 糖尿病 E. 蛋白质营养不良 [单项选择]大理石、花岗石板块料楼地面工程面层,接缝平直,拉5m小线,不足5m拉通线和尺量检查,允许偏差不应大于______mm。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]下列不属于系统安全的技术是( )。
A.防火墙 B.加密狗 C.认证 D.防病毒 [判断题]平衡离心式水泵的轴向力的方法有:止推轴承法、对称布置法、平衡孔法、平衡盘法、平衡管法和背叶片法等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time (39) an old woman who lived (40) . [单选题]车辆供装载货物或乘坐旅客的部分称为( )。
A.车体 B.车底架 C.走行部 D.车内设备 [单项选择]He cut the string and held up the two ______ to tie the box.
A. segments B. sediments C. seizures D. secretes [判断题]要求统计机构、统计人员或者其他机构伪造、篡改统计资料的行为,其违法主体是地方人民政府、政府统计机构或者有关部门、单位的负责人。()
[多选题]电力通信按功能分,可分为( )。
A.调度数据网 B.电力传输网 C.业务网 D.支撑网 [单选题]附加导线肩架安装位置应正确,允许偏差( )。
A.+30mm B.+40mm C.+50mm D.+60mm 我来回答: 提交