患者的诊断应考虑为() The explosion of a star is an awesome
event. The most violent of these cataclysms, which produce supernovae, probably
destroys a star completely. Within our galaxy of roughly 100 billion stars the
last supernova was observed in 1604. Much smaller explosions, however,
occur quite frequently, giving rise to what astronomers call novae and dwarf
novae. On the order of 25 novae occur in our galaxy every year, but only
two or three are near enough to be observed. About 100 dwarf novae are known
altogether. If the exploding star is in a nearby part of the galaxy, it may
create a "new star" that was not previously visible to the naked eye. The last
new star of this sort that could be observed clearly from the Northern
Hemisphere appeared in 1946. In these smaller explosions the star loses only a
minute fraction of its mass and survives to explode again. Astro A. the characteristics of the explosion of a nova B. supernovae C. our sun as a dwarf nova D. how the twin stars revolve [简答题]“三个代表”重要思想是对马克思主义唯物史观的继承和发展。运用所学原理,联系我国社会的主要矛盾加以分析,并简要说明对我国社会主义现代化建设的重大意义。
A. 卵巢转移瘤 B. 多为双侧性 C. 原发瘤以胃癌居多 D. 常有腹水 E. 多为密度均匀的实性肿块 [单项选择]惊痫的治疗首选方剂为()
A. 琥珀抱龙丸 B. 镇惊丸 C. 大定风珠加减 D. 镇肝熄风汤 E. 定痫丸 [判断题]采煤工作面支架的可缩量应能满足裂隙带老顶下沉的要求
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用人民币图样实行属地管理、一事一批。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲偷走了一辆停放在某超市门口的越野车,半路上却发现后排座位上有一个婴儿,便将婴儿抛弃在荒郊野外,结果婴儿被饿死。甲的行为构成()。
A.盗窃罪、故意伤害罪 B.盗窃罪、故意杀人罪 C.侵占罪、遗弃罪 D.侵占罪、虐待罪 [判断题]到达检查现场后,应向客户表明身份、出示证件并说明来意,检查前应向客户了解现场安全情况,需有客户电气负责人全程陪同。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]每月对业务库内外重要区域配备的报警系统定期测试,并记录备查。测试内容包括:( )等。
A.报警按钮 B.红外线探头 C.震动探测器 D.周界控测器 [单选题]对火焰的防护方法表述错误的是( )。
A. 扑救易燃液体火灾时,要向流淌的易燃液体表面持续喷射泡沫进行覆盖,阻止蒸发。 B.扑救室内火灾开门前,可用手背先测试房门表面的温度,再慢慢打开一条门缝。 C.架设消防梯登高灭火时,要避开喷火的窗口。 D.扑救封舱灭火的门或盖时,消防救援人员正对时要戴好呼吸器。 [单选题]个人产品营销业绩查询支持产品树中()层级的查询。
A.1-2 B.1-3 C.1-4 D.1-5 [判断题]《铁路技术管理规程》(普速)中规定,一长声表示紧急停车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]747-400 液压系统液压勤务加油几个系统是否可以同时加油?
A.可以 B.不可以 [单项选择]
Part Ⅱ Structure
Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The old woman burst into tears at the bad news () her son had been killed by the enemy. A. that B. when C. which D. what [单选题]根据社团贷款合同,()负责社团贷款资金支付管理、贷后管理和贷款资金使用情况的监督检查。
A.牵头行社 B.代理行社 C.成员行社 D.牵头行社、代理行社和成员行社 [单项选择]Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the().
A. dip of the line B. stretch of the line C. strain on the line D. length of the line [简答题]试述发生土地荒漠化的原因?
A. 细胞边界不清 B. 胞质易出现液化空泡 C. 整个细胞变小而皱缩变形 D. 有时形成裸核 E. 中、底层细胞易发生固缩性退化 [填空题]严禁在()区吸烟。
On April 20, 2000, in Accra, Ghana, the leaders of six West African countries declared their intention to proceed to monetary union among the non-CFA franc countries of the region by January 2003, as first step toward a wider monetary union including all the ECOWAS countries in 2004. The six countries (21) themselves to reducing central bank financing of budget deficits (22) 10 percent of the previous years government (23) ; reducing budget deficits to 4 percent of the second phase by 2003; creating a Convergence Council to help (24) macroeconomic policies; and (25) up a common central bank. Their declaration (26) that, "Member States (27) the need (28) strong political commitment and (29) to (30) all such national policies (31) would facilitate the regional monetary integration process. " [判断题] 发生水利水电施工事故之日起7日内,事故造成的伤亡人数发生变化或直接经济损失发生变动的,应当重新确定事故等级并及时补报。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]泡沫灭火器应放置在高温地方。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交