Do we need laws that prevent us from
running risks with our lives If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting
the sale of alcoholic drinks. We’ve already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933, there were no liquor stores anywhere in the United States. They were shut down--abolished by an amendment(修正案). After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manufacturing, selling, or transporting of "intoxication liquors." Without any more liquor, people could not drink it. And if they did not drink it, how could they get drunk There would be no more dangers to the public welfare from drunkenness and alcoholism. It was all very logical. And yet prohibition of liquor, beer, and wine did not work. Why Because, law or no law, millions of people still liked to drink alcohol A. the Congress was wise to repeal Prohibition B. the Prohibition Era was characterized by a decrease in crime and drunkenness C. during Prohibition, most Americans stopped drinking D. laws should be passed to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages [单项选择]当事人可以自由选择一种形式即可成立的法律行为。称为( )。
A. 要式法律行为 B. 不要式法律行为 C. 诺成法律行为 D. 双方法律行为 [多选题]《公安机关人民警察职业道德规范》规定,“团结协作”是公安机关的优良传统和作风,主要内容包括()。
A.勇往直前 B.勇于担当 C.积极向上 D.精诚合作 [单选题]根据《中华人民共和国船舶最低安全配员规则》的规定,船舶最低安全配员证书有效期的截止日期与______有效期的截止日期相同。( )
A.船舶构造安全证书 B.船舶设备安全证书 C.船舶国籍证书 D.船舶安全管理证书 [单项选择]在持续督导期间,财务顾问解除委托协议的,委托人应当在()内另行聘请财务顾问对其进行持续督导。
A. 15日 B. 1个月 C. 3个月 D. 6个月 [简答题]用导游方法时要遵循哪些原则试举两例说明。
[单选题]党章明确提出,凡属重大问题都要按照( )的原则,由党的委员会集体讨论,作出决定。
A.集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 B.个别领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定 C.个别领导、民主集中、集体酝酿、会议决定 D.集体领导、民主集中、集体酝酿、会议决定 [单项选择]腹部伤的分类以医学诊断为基础,往往采取()。
A. 伤因、伤部、伤型、伤情相结合的方法 B. 伤因、伤类、伤部、伤情相结合的方法 C. 伤因、伤部、伤型、伤类相结合的方法 D. 伤因、伤类、伤型、伤部相结合的方法 E. 伤因、伤型、伤类、伤情相结合的方法 [单选题]、专用手势信号是指具有特殊的起升、变幅、回转机构的起重机()使用的指挥手势。单选
A.临时 B.检修 C.单独 D.联合 [判断题]系扣子应自上而下进行。
[判断题]2.50 办理转移登记时,需要审查原机动车所有人和现机动车所有人的身份证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根据装置实际,简析环氧乙烷精制塔进料温度控制条件
[填空题]When I was about 11, I inherited my older brother’s paper route. It was a good job,
though it means waking up at the crack of dawn and hopping on my bike in Rockford, to (1) ______. deliver papers. Punctuality was critic. People expected the paper on their front porch by 6 (2) ______. a.m. If I ran late, they would be standing in their doorways and I would infinitely hear about (3) ______. it. On the other hand, doing the job professionally often resulted in much-appreciated tips. Ever since then, I have tried to do as professional a job as possible -- whether it be (4) ______. bagging groceries, painting houses or tarring roofs. Acting is not different. I believe if you work hard and behave like a pro, it will pay back, and you will be offered more and better (5) ______. roles. This means giving your all. If a scene requires another character to react to jumping (6) ______. into the water, I will jump in as many times as it takes to help [多选题]下列哪些情形的建设工程是特殊建设工程:( )
A.总建筑面积大于一千平方米的托儿所、幼儿园的儿童用房 B.总建筑面积大于五百平方米的歌舞厅 C.城市轨道交通工程 D.大型发电、变配电工程 E.易燃易爆气体和液体的充装站、供应站、调压站 [单项选择]在多边形工具中,多边形的边数最多可有多少边()
A. 1024 B. 17 C. 30 D. 无数 [填空题]在广域网中,数据分组传输过程需要进行______选择与分组转发。
[单项选择]It is no easy job to be a teacher. One has to be extremely patient ( ) the students.
A. at B. about C. on D. with [单选题] 民用建筑与工业建筑因使用性质不同,在建筑物构造组成上的差异较大,不属于民用建筑的构造组成()。
A. 单层及多层建筑 B. 高层 C. 钢结构 D. 大跨建筑 我来回答: 提交