"Cool" is a word with many meanings.
Its traditional meaning is used to {{U}} (36) {{/U}}a temperature that is
fairly cold. As the world has {{U}} (37) {{/U}}, however, the word has
expanded to{{U}} (38) {{/U}}many different meanings. "Cool" can be used to express feelings of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}in almost anything. When you see a brand-new car in the street, maybe you can’t help{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, "It’s cool." You might think, "He’s so cool," when you see your{{U}} (41) {{/U}}footballer. We all enlarge the meaning of "cool". You can use it{{U}} (42) {{/U}}many words such as "new" or "amazing." Here’s an interesting story we can see{{U}} (43) {{/U}}illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to{{U}} (44) {{/U}}the waterfall they had visited. On one stude A. write for B. copy down C. describe D. say something [判断题]蒸汽监督的主要项目是含盐量和含硅量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. Influence of ocean on animals. B. Relationship between human beings and dolphins. C. The lives of dolphins. D. Reasons to protect dolphins. [单项选择]康复基本内涵不包括()。
A. 采用综合措施 B. 强调功能训练、再训练 C. 以残疾者和患者的功能障碍为核心 D. 以残疾者和患者的器质障碍为核心 E. 以提高生活质量、回归社会为最终目标 [单选题]踏步时两脚在原地上下起落,抬起时,脚尖自然下垂,离地面约 ( )厘米。
A.五 B.十 C.十五 D.二十 [单项选择]正常小儿脑脊液的细胞数一般不超过
A. 5.0×106/L B. 1.0×106/L C. 10×106/L D. 15×106/L E. 20×106/L [单项选择]下列属于户外广告的是()。
A. 报纸 B. 电视 C. 商品说明书 D. 广告牌 [单选题]盆式橡胶支座限于在线路坡度小于或等于( )的混凝土梁上使用。
A.6‰ B.7‰ C.8‰ D.9‰ [判断题]根据光线、物体、与平面三者的几何关系,投影法可分为中心投影法和平行投影法两大类。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列情形不成立累犯的是()。
A.张某(16岁)犯盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑1年,刑满释放后的6个月内又犯盗窃罪,被判处有期徒刑2年 B.李某犯强奸罪被判处有期徒刑5年,刑满释放后第4年又犯妨害公务罪,被判处有期徒刑6个月 C.王某犯抢夺罪被判处有期徒刑4年,执行3年后被假释,于假释期满后5年内又犯故意杀人罪被判处无期徒刑 D.田某犯叛逃罪被判处管制2年,管制期满后20年又犯为境外刺探国家秘密罪,被判处拘役6个月 [判断题]防护员在作业前必须参加作业安全预想会,掌握防护对象、作业内容、作业区段、作业人员等情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]耐火等级一、二级丁、戊类厂(库)房与一类高层建筑裙房的防火间距不应小于( )米。
A.9 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题] 房屋拆除应当由( )承担,由施工单位负责人对安全负责。
A. 具备相应资质等级的施工单位 B. 基本具备保证安全条件的建筑施工单位 C. 一般的建筑施工单位 D. 建设单位 [单项选择]Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of foods that are considered more healthful than the types of foods widely sold in supermarkets. For example, whole grains, fried beans, and com oil are health foods. A narrower classification of health food is natural food. This term is used to distinguish between types of the same food. Raw honey is a natural sweetener, whereas refined sugar is not. Fresh fruit is a natural food, but canned fruit, with sugars and other additives, is not. The most precise term of all and the narrowest classification within health foods is organic food, used to describe food that has been grown on a particular kind of farm. Fruit and vegetables that are grown in gardens, that are sprayed only with organic fertilizers, that are not sprayed with poisonous insecticides, and that are not refined after harvest, are organic foods. Meat, fish, dairy and poultry products from animals that are fed only organically grown feed and that are not injected with hormo
A. Refined foods, B. Natural foods. C. Organic foods. D. Unprocessed foods. [单项选择]一个5岁男孩,低热颈痛数月,检查颈部旋转受限,X线侧位片可见寰椎向前脱位,咽后壁增宽,其诊断最大可能为
A. 外伤性寰椎脱位 B. 自发性寰椎脱位 C. 咽后壁脓肿 D. 寰枢椎结核 E. 寰枢椎畸形 [判断题]一次事故既构成人身事故条件,也构成电网(设备) 事故条件时, 应统计为一次人身事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]作系统查定取样前要冲洗有关取样管道,并适当延长冲洗时间。冲洗后应隔()小时,方可取样,以确保水样有充分的代表性。
A. 半 B. 1~2小时 C. 3 D. 4 [名词解释]后发行白内障
A.6kV B.10kV C.20kV D.35kV [单选题]以下关于工作过程中对发现问题进行处理的说法,正确的是()
A.因无需变更安措,且增加工作非常简单,工作负责人可以直接安排 B.因无需变更安措,且增加工作非常简单,工作负责人只需口头告知工作许可人就可以安排 C.应履行增加工作任务手续,征得工作票签发人和工作许可人同意,在原工作票上增加工作项目,并签名确认 D.不在本次工作范围内,工作负责人应置之不理。 [简答题]作业票审核人.作业负责人.专责监护人应具备哪些条件
A.正比 B.反比 C.指数关系 D.平方 [判断题]“个人用H2S检测器”要把它作为“连续式H2S监测设备”。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]缆线在雷电防护区交界处,屏蔽电缆屏蔽层的两端可不做等电位连接并接地。
[单选题]邻近10kV带电线路工作时,人体、导线、施工机具等与带电线路的距离应满足( )m要求。
A. A.1 B.B.0.7 C.C.0.4 D.D.0.9 [判断题]注销网银渠道以后,还需要手动删除所有下挂账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]我国公民向我国法院申请承认与执行甲国法院的离婚财产分割判决,根据我国《民事诉讼法》及相关法律的规定,具有以下哪些情形时,我国法院对该甲国法院判决不予承认与执行( )
A. 该外国判决没有发生法律效力 B. 甲国法院没有管辖权或该案件正在我国法院审理 C. 甲国与我国未缔结或者参加国际条约,也没有任何互惠关系 D. 承认与执行该判决违反我国法律的基本原则 [单选题]( )负责其他类非生产性支出的审核;负责汇总跟踪各部门非生产性支出的使用情况;负责对非生产性支出情况稽核检查。
A.财务部 B.法律事务部 C.人力资源部 D.能源环保部 [单选题]【42059】负荷开关的主要作用是( )。 ( )
A. 切断有载电路 B.切断短路电流 C. 切断负荷电流 D. 切断额定负荷电流 [填空题]Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical authorities express their 【B1】 about the effect of smoking on the health not only 【B2】 those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air polluted by the tobacco smoke may 【B3】 more than the smokers themselves.
As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have 【B4】 an effort to 【B5】 the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. 【B6】 .I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by 【B7】 on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than 【B8】 regulation.
Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories 【B9】 there may be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense.
I am therefore asking you to maintain "No Smoking" in the auditoriums and classr
A. A.with B.by C.to D.in [判断题]在我国,课程具体表现为教学计划、教学大纲和教科书,其中,教学大纲一般由说明部分和本文部分基本部分构成。
A.断路器在合闸状态下能承载的峰值电流 B.断路器正常通过的最大电流 C.在系统发生故障时断路器通过的最大故障电流 D.单相接地电流 [多选题]《铁路车站行车作业人身安全规定》规定:必须横越( )时,严禁钻车。
A.列车 B.车列 C.车组 [判断题]我国规定的交流电安全电压为220V、42V、36V、12V( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一般以上事故应在事故发生后的()日内完成调查,五级和六级事件应在事故发生后的15日内完成调查,形成事故调查报告书。
A.A.15 B.B.30 C.C.60 D.D.90 E.略 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交