A | B | C | D |
2310~3280 | 6089~7288 | 1509~2299 | 3541~4438 |
8761~9723 | 0123~1234 | 4567~5855 | 7341~8412 |
5 Steps to Becoming a Better Net worker
We all have places to go and people to impress (or at least get them to remember us!). Unfortunately, no one ever teaches us how to mingle with a crowd and leave an impression. Here are five steps to becoming a snazzy networker in your own right.
1. You don’t have to be an Extrovert: Most people think that the best net workers are the
extroverted bubbly types. Not at all ! Some of the best networkers I know are actually introverts. Why Because they are usually better listeners. At events where everyone is trying to talk, a genuine listener stands out from the crowd. People remember those who listen to them.
2. Wear a Scarf: ... or a wild tie or a bold necklace. You don’t have to consider yourself stylish, but do pick one item to wear that allows you to stand out.
3. Do Something Nice: Doing something nice for people is always appreciated and remembered.
4. Keep in touch with
A. are good at communicating with people
B. are export-oriented
C. always talk to others
D. are good listeners
{{B}}Choose your company with care{{/B}} Small is beautiful. That, at least, is the conclusion of new research examining how satisfied secretaries are in different sized firms. ’We have found that people who work for small or medium-sized companies work harder and are more committed,’ says David Smith, author of one of the latest studies in this field. ’The smaller the environment, the bigger the part you play as an individual, and the more people notice your absence.’ This will come as a surprise to many secreta [单选题]供热设备的工作规范应严格遵照给定的图表和热网调度的要求,允许偏移值为:进入热网的水温是( )%,供用户的蒸汽压力与温度是(a)%。
A. ±5; B. ±2; C. ±3; D. ±4。 [单选题]【单选题】(4.27⑤)下列不属于粤东区域降本管控措施的是?
A.3抓手 B.2制度 C.2学习 D.3重点 [判断题]挖坑前,应与有关地下管道、电缆等地下设施的主管单位取得联系,明确地下设施的确切位置,做好防护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]皮质迷路是指()。
A. 相邻肾锥体之间的皮质 B. 从肾锥体底部呈辐射状伸入皮质的条纹 C. 髓放线之间的皮质 D. 肾小体所在部位 [简答题]用绝缘杆操作隔离开关时要()
A.晁盖——托塔天王——怒杀阎婆惜 B.林冲——豹子头——火烧草料场 C.李逵——青面兽——中州劫法场 D.鲁智深——花和尚——误闯白虎堂 [多选题]发生省煤器爆管下列处理正确的是()。
A.汇报值长,加强监视调整及就地检查 B.立即关闭锅炉所有排污 C.为保持汽包水位,开启省煤器再循环 D.严重爆管时难以维持汽包水位或发生BT时应紧急停炉 [判断题]焊接时,应在帮条焊或搭接焊形成焊缝中引弧;在端头收弧前应填满弧坑,并应使主焊缝与定位焊缝的始端和终端熔合。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]沉降堆积
A. 逾而不矩 B. 三十而立 C. 不惑之年 D. 知命之年 [多选题]根据我国《刑法》,下列情形中构成累犯的是( )。
A.甲犯间谍罪,被判有期徒刑10年,执行刑罚完毕后第8年,因犯煽动分裂国家罪被判处有期徒刑3年 B.乙犯强奸罪,被判处有期徒刑10年,执行刑罚完毕后第3年,因犯盗窃罪被判处6个月拘役 C.丙犯抢夺罪判处有期徒刑3年,执行刑罚完毕后第4年,因犯抢劫罪判处有期徒刑10年 D.丁犯诈骗罪判处有期徒刑3年,执行刑罚完毕后第2年,因犯失火罪被判处有期徒刑3年 我来回答: 提交