The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photographer’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art (1) distinctive from merely a practical art. Throughout the nineteenth century, the defense of photography was identical with the (2) to establish it as a fine art. (3) the charge that photographers was a soulless mechanical duplication of (4) , photographers (5) that it was instead a privileged (6) of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and (7) worthy an art than painting.
Ironically, (8) photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or (9) to label it as such. Serious photographers are no longer willing to (10) whether photography is not involved with art, (11) to proclaim that their own work is not involved with it. This shows the extent (12)
A. with
B. at
C. to
D. from
By now you know that {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} your money’s worth is not just a matter of luck. It is more often
the{{U}} (63) {{/U}} of buying skill. {{U}} (64) {{/U}}, even the
smartest consumers are sometimes tooled into thinking they are getting their
money’s worth {{U}} (65) {{/U}} they are not. At one time or another,
almost everyone experiences deception in the marketplace. The deception may not
be {{U}} (66) {{/U}} But, intentional or not, any kind of deception
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} consumer’s pocket books. Some kinds endanger their
health and safety as well. {{U}} A. nationally B. locally C. intentionally D. extensively [单项选择]在关于电阻箱的使用中,下列说法不正确的是().
A. 电阻箱的工作电流不应超过各组电阻允许通过电流的额定值 B. 测量<9.9Ω或<0.9Ω的电阻时应接在专门的接线端钮上,以减小引线及接触电阻的影响 C. 电阻箱可用于调压或冲击负荷过大的场合 D. 用于精密测量时,电阻箱最好在能保证其准确度的温度范围内使用 [简答题]饭店竞争形势分析的步骤是什么?
A. 1.55 B. 1.65 C. 1.75 D. 1.85 [单项选择]芳香族伯胺在()存在下,和亚硝酸发生重氮化反应,生成重氮盐,常用重氮化法测定,在染料和药物分析中应用较广泛。
A. 有机碱 B. 有机酸 C. 无机碱 D. 无机酸 [单选题]动车组非正常运行或停车时, 随车机械师立即向__ __动车调度员报告。
A.故障发生地所在铁路局 B.本属铁路局 C.铁路总公司 D.车辆处 [判断题]公务员在受处分期间不得晋升职务和级别,其中,受记过处分的,可以升工资档次;受撤职处分的,应当按照规定降低级别。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ( )不是道岔转辙部分的主要零件。
A.尖轨顶铁 B.轨撑 C.导轨 D.滑床板 [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,合同的成立需要顺序经过( )。
A. 承诺、要约邀请和要约三个阶段 B. 承诺和要约邀请两个阶段 C. 要约邀请、要约和承诺三个阶段 D. 要约和承诺两个阶段 [单选题]( )不属于中移凌云通用能力功能点。
A.载荷管理 B.气象对接 C.飞控管理 D.应急保障 [判断题]消防安全钩应定期按45000牛工作拉力作载荷检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]女方在怀孕期间,分娩后多长时间内,男方不得提出离婚?
[多选题]以下属于专责监护人的安全责任是( )。
A.负责检查工作票所列安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场实际条件,必要时予以补充 B.确认被监护人员和监护范围 C.工作前,对被监护人员交待监护范围内的安全措施、告知危险点和安全注意事项 D.监督被监护人员遵守本规程和现场安全措施,及时纠正被监护人员的不安全行为 我来回答: 提交