{{B}}An Unusual Experience at Sea{{/B}} It was early one morning in February 1972 when Mayoral and his partner Santos Luis Perez set out to fish in Laguna San lgnacio. Hundreds of gray whales were swimming in the three-mile-long, one-mile-wide inlet. This was usual between December and April, for the whales breed in the protected inlets of Baja, the final destination of their annual 6,000-mile migration from the Arctic. Mayoral and Perez stayed as for as possible from the spouting (喷涌) creatures, because the whales were said to smash boats with their powerful flukes (鲸尾的叶). Mayoral, who had 16 years’ experience at sea, knew no one who had been close to a healthy gray whale and lived. As Mayoral rowed to catch the outgoing (退出去的) A. They did nothing but kneel down and pray. B. They rowed quickly to the shore. C. They threw a cross to the whale. D. They prepared to fight against the whale. [单选题] 公安派出所有权对违反治安管理行为人罚款的最高额是()元
A. 200 B. 5000 C. 500 D. 1000 [多项选择]The interview — about 2 minutes
In this part the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. 1. Do you think it is easy to make friends in China 2. What do you think the difference between adults and children making friend 3. How do children make friends 4. What is the most important thing in friendship [判断题]票卡、现金、发票交接时严格执行双方确认、清点制度,发生差异遵循“交者不清,接者负责”的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防通信调度指挥系统火警辨识的程序是:调度人员接听电话→语音询问→火警专家辨识系统辅助提示→( )。(中)(消防业务信息系统)
A.确定灾害事故地点、类别 B.编制出动方案 C.下达出动命令 D.启动录音录时装置 [单项选择]( )能将被测的量值转换成可直接观察的指示值或等效信息的计量器具。
A. 标准量具 B. 极限量规 C. 检验夹具 D. 计量仪器 [简答题]张永平对消防安全处的处罚行为不服时应向谁申请复议
A. AGE IS NULL B. AGE IS NOT NULL C. AGE=NULL D. NOT(AGE IS NULL) [单选题] "道岔基本轨垂直磨耗,50kg/m及以下钢轨,在其他线上超过( )时,应及时修理或更换。
A.6mm B.8mm C.10mm D.11mm" [判断题]因气候影响停工期间的工资及产、婚、丧假期的工资都应计入工资性补贴中。 ( )
A. 新建、扩建 B. 改建、扩建 C. 新建、改建 [单项选择]颞下颌关节紊乱病的多因素理论,已广为接受,其中主要的致病因素是()
A. 夜磨牙与紧咬牙 B. 免疫学因素 C. 关节内微小创伤和精神心理因素 D. 偏侧咀嚼习惯与口腔不良习惯 E. 双侧关节不对称与关节薄弱等解剖因素 [判断题] 关于正线短时间进行抢修的规定,进入隧道前,抢修人员须先到车站办理登点手续,在得到维修调度员批准并落实安全防护措施后,方可进入。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]目前我国行政救济制度主要包括( )。
A.行政复议 B.行政诉讼 C.行政赔偿 D.申诉 [单选题]确立正确的人生观是加强职业道德修养的( )。
A. 主要途径 B.前提 C.基础 D.目的 [单项选择]天然气中的硫化物按其化合状态分为()类。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 2 [名词解释]社会控制
A. 不应该长时间关井不处理 B. 不应该长时间关井不循环 C. 必须允许天然气膨胀 D. 不允许天然气膨胀 E. 长时间关井的井口压力高不能认为地层压力非常高 [判断题]( )标准麻花钻主切削刃上各点处的后角大小不相等,外缘处最小,约为 1~4 度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]李某明知13周岁的郑某被强迫卖淫,仍与其发生性关系,对李某以强奸罪处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]锅筒、窑炉相关设备有明显()、鼓包、泄漏时,不得进入现场工作。
A. A.变形 B.B.改变 C.C.缺陷 D.D.异常 [简答题]论述键盘的工艺。
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