How many dolls can you stuff(塞) into a spare room The (36) —2,300—comes from Gali Little and Katie Banman, both 11, and Katie’s 9-year-old sister, Sarah. They know (37) they just did it.
The girls weren’t trying to (38) it into the Guinness (吉尼斯) Book of World Records. They want to (39) children who lost so (40) during hurricanes (飓风) Katrina and Rita.
"My room and I were (41) the news and I saw a lot of children, and (42) of them had any possessions ... I thought they might (43) a doll to hold onto and tell secrets to," Gali said.
Gali (44) her idea of collecting dolls with Katie and Sarah, who are friends as well as neighbors, and the project was (45) way. The gifts start their (46) at their schools first. They also collected (47) in their neighborhood. The gifts were very (48) with their success. "I
A. clothes
B. books
C. money
D. dolls
When Andrew Chadwick-Jones, a
management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London, went to a
private-equity(私募股权) firm late last year, he expected the usual: about 20
minutes and an unfriendly attitude. He was surprised to find the private-equity
people instead explaining their strategy, offering introductions to senior staff
and being more open and friendly. "Now that money and deals are lack, they’ve
got to be nicer to all the people they interact with, and they might help bring
business in future," he says. Rudeness is out, and politeness is the new rule in an uncertain world. The former kings of rude behavior -- Masters of the Universe bankers, private-equity chiefs -- have been humbled. On Wall Street, says a hanker, "it’s now all about charm and openness and taking time with people." Proud young things straight o A. he is now the potential savior of the chief executive B. he is from the famous bank of Paris-Societe Generale C. his experience shows he is the one with power now D. his experience shows changes in the balance of power now [简答题]简述文化市场营销调研的主要内容。
[单选题] 用来衡量仪表能不能尽快反应出参数变化的品质指标是( )。
A.准确度 B.重复性 C.线性度 D.反应时间 [多项选择]患者男性,45岁,乙肝病史10年,右上腹不适,ALT、AFP正常。临床申请腹部超声检查。近半年患者体重下降明显,复查肝脏超声可见肝右叶纹理结构紊乱,回声不均,门静脉右支充满稍高实性回声,门静脉可能形成了()。
A. 血栓 B. 静脉瘤 C. 血管瘤 D. 癌栓 E. 静脉瘘 F. 静脉扩张 [填空题]办公室管理包括四个要素( ) 。
[单选题]燃油在气缸内燃烧不充分是由于喷油器( )所造成。
A.调整失败 B.调整压力过低 C.调整压力过高 [单项选择]为了了解健康教育与健康促进计划对目标人群知识和态度的影响,我们需要进行()
A. 形成评价 B. 过程评价 C. 效应评价 D. 结局评价 E. 总结评价 [单项选择]采用不同的施工工艺将涂料涂覆在金属表面上,避免金属与空气接触发生()反应。
A. 氧化 B. 还原 C. 氧化还原 D. 物理 [多选题]福禄培尔在学前教育方面的贡献有:
A.恩物 B.培训世界上第一批幼儿园教师 C.《慈母游戏儿歌》 D.促使学前教育学成为独立学科 [单选题]341
切换过程中的惩罚措施是针对切换准备失败的惩罚,而非执行失败的惩罚。 A.对 B.错 [多项选择]邪郁肺卫型风痧的主要临床表现为()
A. 轻微发热 B. 精神安宁 C. 烦躁口渴 D. 皮疹密集 E. 疹色淡红 [单选题]单轨小车、吊轨小车、推运工机料具的小平车应在( 封锁线路)的情况下使用。
A.A.封锁线路 B.B.慢行施工 C.C.列车间隔 D.D.准备作业时 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is true according to this passage
[单选题]( )是物流企业最主要的融资方式。
A.商业银行贷款融资 B.证券市场融资 C.开拓实务型融资业务 D.开拓技术性融资业务 [判断题]雨季宜进行顶进作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]禁止在运行中或未完全停止的情况下清扫、擦拭机具的( )部分。
A.连接 B.转动 C.固定 D.外壳 [单选题]铁路超限超重货物运输电报代号A被代用的文字是()。
A.超限等级 B.最高运行速度 C.货物重心高度 D.途中货检站按规定检查无碍后继续运送 [判断题]质量是生产出来的,而不是检查出来的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]事故紧急抢修应填用工作票或( )。
A.第一种 B.第二种 C.事故应急抢修单 D.事故紧急抢修单 [单选题]强制性国家标准的代号是( )。
A.GB/T B.GB C.GB/Q D.GB/Z [单选题][T]CE006311二氧化碳灭火器刚瓶中的二氧化碳具有()的汽化温度,可冷却可燃物。
A.较高 B.高的 C.较低 D.极低 [单项选择]船舶限界线以下的舷窗一般都采用水密性和抗风浪性强的()舷窗。
A. 方形 B. 圆形 C. 椭圆形 D. 圆形或椭圆形 [简答题]骑自行车上坡前,往往要用力加紧蹬几下,是从能的转化方面说明这样做的好处?
[单选题]在转速负反馈系统中,闭环系统的静态转速降减为开环系统静态转速降的( )倍。
A.1+K B.1/(1+K) C.1+2K D.1/K 我来回答: 提交