对明确诊断最有价值的检查为() The visual arts are a class of art
forms, including painting, sculpture, photography, and others, that focus on the
creation of artworks which are primarily visual in nature. The visual arts are
distinguished from the performing arts, language arts, and other such classes of
artwork. The definition is not strict, and many artistic disciplines involve
aspects of the visual arts as well other types. In Britain until recently the fine arts-painting, sculpture, printmaking, and so on-were seen as distinct from craft disciplines and the various metalworking disciplines. This distinction arose from the Arts and Crafts Movement whose political aim was to value daily art forms as much as high forms. The result of the conflict between the two groups was to politicize the products of what we now know as visual artists. British ar A. They are sharply different from one another. B. "Visual arts" is just a different title for many other arts types. C. They intercross one another in many aspects. D. All types of arts can be included into visual arts. [多选题]动车组车辆气密性受哪些方面影响:车体结构形式、车窗密封、
。 A.空调密封 B.车门密封 C.头罩密封 D.风挡密封 [单项选择]W-1001挖掘机换向机构锥形离合器的行程可用调整油压分泵顶杆来进行调整,锥形离合器鼓的行程一般为()mm。
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 10 [多选题] 下述伤员需要进行固定的有( )
A.骨折伤员 B.怀疑骨折 C.关节损伤伤员 D.大血管、神经损伤 E.脊髓损伤 [多选题]液氯泄漏事故特点要为( )。
A.扩散迅速,危害大 B.易造成大量人员中毒 C.污染环境,洗消困难 D.本身易燃易爆 [单选题]拨道是拨正轨道( )的作业称为拨道。
A.轨距 B.水平 C.轨向 D.高低 [单项选择]弥散神经内分泌系统包括()
A. 松果体细胞 B. 甲状腺滤泡旁细胞 C. 肾上腺髓质细胞 D. 甲状旁腺主细胞 E. 以上均是 [多选题]以下属于变电站的设备巡视检查的是(____)。
A.例行巡视 B.全面巡视 C.熄灯巡视 D.特殊巡视 [单选题]二氧化碳的灭火作用主要是()作用。
A.冷却 B.隔离 C.窒息 D.抑制 [单项选择]机体的绝大多数细胞都是通过哪种方式获得能量的()
A. 有氧氧化 B. 无氧酵解 C. 糖异生 D. 磷酸戊糖途径 E. 糖醛酸途径 [单选题]沸腾钢与镇静钢划分的依据是()。
A.按冶炼方法 B.按脱氧程度 C.按用途 D.按化学成分 [判断题]工务人员发现桥梁墩台基础冲空、桥上轨向变化时,必须拦扣列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
Motorways are no doubt the safest roads in the country. Mile for mile, vehicle for vehicle you are much less likely to be killed or seriously injured than on an ordinary, road. On the other hand, motorways have a far better accident record than any other part of our national road system because of the speed and volume of traffic. If you do have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to occur than in a comparable accident elsewhere on the roads. It is reported that motorway accidents account for some 10% of all injuries out side urban areas. Motorways have no sharp, bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and thus speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 m.p.h, limit is still in force, it is often treated with the contempt that most drivers have for the 30 m.p.h, limit applied in built-up areas in Britain. A [单项选择]( )是确保实现组织目标的基本功能。
A. 特定的目标 B. 组织内成员之间的关系 C. 组织内成员的职务 D. 组织内的职务 [单选题]单纯性粘连肠梗阻手术指征是
A.手术后早期粘连梗阻 B.非手术治疗不见好转 C.单纯性粘连性肠梗阻 D.粘连不全肠梗阻 E.广泛粘连,不全梗阻 [不定项选择题]按照地理分布距离和覆盖范围来看,计算机网络可以分为( )
A.广域网 B.城域网 C.局域网 D.因特网 [单选题]低压配电设备、低压电缆、集束导线停电检修,无法装设接地线时,应采取()或其他可靠隔离措施。
A.停电 B.悬挂标示牌 C.绝缘遮蔽 D.装设遮栏 [单项选择]救援隊がくるまで、1枚のチョコレートと雤水で()生きのびることができた。
A. あえて B. しいて C. かろうじて D. つとめて [单选题]故意杀人罪是指( )。
A.故意非法剥夺他人生命的行为 B.故意非法损害他人身体的行为 C.故意非法损害他人财产的行为 D.故意非法损害他人荣誉的行为 [判断题]金属计量箱、配电箱应可靠接零且接地电阻应满足要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以体液传播为主要传播途经的肝炎:
A.甲型病毒性肝炎 B.戊型病毒性肝炎 C.甲.乙重叠感染型肝炎 D.乙.戊混合感染型肝炎 E.乙.丙.丁及庚型肝炎 [填空题]客车用当污物箱中污物液位到80%时,显示装置80%点亮黄灯;当污物箱中污物达到100%时,显示装置100%显示灯点亮红灯,并开始报警,同时禁止系统执行( )( )。【车辆电工作业指导书】
[单选题]设置室外消火栓的消防给水管道的最小直径不应小于( )( 易 )
A.50mm B.60mm C.80mm D.100mm [单选题]VVVF装置内部使用( )逆变开关元件。
A.GTO B.IGBT C.三极管 D.二极管 [判断题]行社行长(主任)对行社业务库每季度一次账实检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]施工成本计划的编制方式一般不包括( )成本计划。
A. 按施工成本组成编制 B. 按施工项目投资构成编制 C. 按施工项目组成编制 D. 按施工进度编制 我来回答: 提交