{{B}}Crystal Ear{{/B}} One day a friend asked my wife Jill if I wanted a hearing aid. "He certainly does," replied Jill. After hearing about a remarkable new product, Jill finally got up the nerve to ask me if I’d ever thought about getting a hearing aid. "No way," I said. "It would make me look 20 years older. .... No, no," she replied. "This is entirely different. It’s Crystal Ear!" Jill was right. Crystal Ear is different--not the old-styled body worn or over-the-ear aid, but an advanced personal sound system so small that it’s like contacts (隐形眼镜) for your ears. And Crystal Ear is super-sensitive and powerful, too. You will hear sounds your ears have been missing for years. Crystal Ear will make speech louder, and the sound is A. it is not serious. B. Crystal Ear is not yet available. C. it is not easy to have it treated. D. they don’t want to look old. [判断题]触头断开后,触头之间如果电弧已熄灭,则电路实际上没有被切断。()( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]影响粉末流动性的因素有哪些?如果一种粉末的流动性较差,对粉末冶金零部件的后续加工带来什么危害?
[单项选择]Websites that track your buying and browsing habits can seem to read your mind—but you haven’t seen anything yet. Future sites may attempt to gauge (判断) your personality, and tailor what they show you accordingly.
That’s the possibility raised by a new study of computer gamers, which has revealed that a player’s behaviour within the game imitate their real-world character traits. Using similar information from the internet as a whole, it might one day be possible to profile a web surfer’s personality. Most sites currently present the same content and layout to everyone who visits. Some larger sites tailor content to individuals, but the rules they use to do so are crude. Yahoo has software that monitors the news articles that visitors click on, and suggests other stories accordingly. If the user is logged in, the software may also consider their age and sex when displaying links to stories. Nick Yee and colleagues at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in California rec A. it’s impossible to assess users’ personality B. it’s too complicated to assess users’ personality C. online behavior can shed light on users’ personality D. users’ personality is determined by online behavior [单选题]取芯法检测混凝土强度,按潮湿状态进行试验时,芯样试件在受压前应( )。
A.A:自然干燥3d B.B:在20℃±5℃的清水中浸泡20~30h C.C:在20℃±5℃的清水中浸泡30~40h D.D:在20℃±5℃的清水中浸泡40~48h [判断题]位于氢前面的金属能置换出盐酸、稀硫酸中的氢
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]若室外配电装置的大部分设备停电,只有个别地点保留有带电设备而其他设备无触及带电导体的可能时,以下做法正确的是()。
A.在带电设备四周装设全封闭围栏 B.围栏上悬挂适当数量的“止步,高压危险!”标示牌 C.标示牌应朝向围栏外面 D.标示牌应朝向围栏里面 [单选题]1990年版以后的美元均采用了光变油墨面额数字。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [判断题]《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》规定,双块式轨枕挡肩失效,可采用更换轨枕或在轨枕间安装特殊扣件等方法进行处理
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交