Hollywood has a message for scientists:
If you want something that’s 100% accurate in every way, go watch a documentary.
The thing is, when it comes to movies, narrative wins. The writer’s job is to
get the characters right, not the science, says Tse, who cowrote
Watchmen, one of last year’s most-anticipated superhero films. It
annoys him, too, when things don’t make sense. He spent a lot of time and energy
trying to find a fix for a logical problem in Watchmen--that one character, Dan,
uses a completely obvious password to hack into the computer of Adrian, who is
supremely intelligent. But for practical reasons, that kind of problem often
just can’t be fixed. Maybe it would take too long, in an already long movie, or
distract too much from the narrative, or cost too much to shoot. Write A. A.beyond explanation B.beyond imagination C.scientifically crazy D.practically reasonable [多项选择]下面关于失业的说法正确的是( )
A. 2002年美国的民用劳动力是14444.8万人,失业率为5.8%,则其失业人数是837.8万人 B. 失业人数和失业率相比,失业率更能反映失业的严重程度 C. 失业可以分摩擦性失业和结构性失业 D. 在充分就业的情况下,自然地存在着一定的失业率,通常被称为自然失业率 E. 一般情况下,年轻人的失业率远远高于成年人 [单项选择]工商银行资金汇划实时电子汇兑业务承诺()内到帐
A. 2小时 B. 24小时 C. 12小时 D. 实时 [单选题] 下列有关挂篮精轧螺纹钢筋吊杆说法不正确的是( )。
A.精轧螺纹钢筋吊杆、后锚杆应采取PVC套管保护,严防电焊灼伤或气割烧伤,严禁碰撞。 B.吊(锚)杆均需配戴双螺帽,吊(锚)杆端头伸出螺母长度不小于5cm。 C.预埋的精轧螺纹钢筋锚杆需要连接器接长时,两端接头应旋入连接器中心,并有醒目的长度检查标识。 D.挂篮走行到位后必须及时安装齐全后锚杆并锚固,主桁后端锚杆和底模平台后锚杆可不施加预紧力锚固。 [单项选择]She______ all of them to dinner at her house on Saturday evening.
[单项选择]目前,要将生物加工食物系实现于现实生产中,还有几件事要做。先得能在培养基里培养出蔬菜或水果的组织,还得能扩大产量以应市场之需。而要大量经济地生产,还得研制出廉价原料,利用其中的基本营养成分进行批量生产。由此可以推出, ( )。
A. 研制出廉价原料是生物加工食物体系实现于现实生产的关键 B. 目前已经能在培养基里培养出蔬菜或水果的组织 C. 只要有廉价的月巴料就能扩大产量 D. 目前的原料太昂贵 [单选题] 冰球也被称为
A.冰上曲棍球 B. 冰上足球 C. 冰上高尔夫 [多选题]在三视图中,能够反映物体前后位置关系的视图为( )
A.主视图 B.俯视图 C.左视图 D.在三个视图中都有可能 我来回答: 提交