Information technology that helps doctors and patients make decisions has been around for a long time. Crude online tools like WebMD get millions of visitors a day. But Watson is a different beast. According to IBM, it can digest information and make recommendations much more quickly, and more intelligently, than perhaps any machine before it—processing up to 60 million pages of text per second, even when that text is in the form of plain old prose, or what scientists call "natural language. "
That’s no small thing, because something like 80 percent of all information is "unstructured. " In medicine, it consists of physician notes dictated into medical records, longwinded sentences published in academic journals, and raw numbers stored online by public health departments. At least in theory, Watson can make sense of it all. It can sit in on patient examinations, silently listening. And over time, it can learn and get better at figuring out
A. is a device ubiquitous in doctors’ offices
B. is less likely to be committed by Watson
C. happens in one third of medical treatments
D. is a wrong diagnosis with incomplete information
The American economic system is
organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in
which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money
in the market place for those goods and services that they want most. Private
businessmen, striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in
competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under
competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are
produced. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual
consumers, coupled with the desire of business men to maximize profits and the
desire of individuals to maximi A. The American economic system is organized around a basically public-owned enterprise. B. In a private-enterprise economy, individuals are allowed to own productive resources. C. In the America economy, private property only contains the ownership of productive resources. D. None. [单项选择](17—20题共用题于)
A. 意识 B. 肢体活动 C. 生命体征 D. 神志 E. 瞳孔 [填空题]When I was a child, my family used to go on holiday every year to visit our relatives in the north-east of England. One of the most exciting things you can do in that part of the world (46) _____ to visit the Farne Islands, where you can see many different kinds of birds and other sea creatures, ranging (47) _____ puffins to seals.
One summer, we booked a trip to an island (48) _____ there was a lighthouse. Before the boat was (49) d_____ to leave, we wandered (50) al_____ the quayside watching some children (51) _____ (dive) into the water at the end of the pier. Soon it was time to (52) b_____ the small boat which would take us to our (53) _____ (destine). As we headed toward the island, the sky began to cloud over and a strong wind (54) _____ (spring) up. We soon found ourselves in an (55) _____ (extreme) rough sea. ‘If this is what happens in summer, what’s the weather like in winter ’ asked one of the other (56) p_____.
A member of crew, who was standing next to the woman passen
根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 ,建设单位在编制工程概算时,应当确定( )所需费用。 A. 现场卫生条件 B. 建设工程安全作业环境 C. 工程施工 D. 安全施工措施 E. 建设工程安全措施 [简答题]简述慢性脓胸的病因以及常用手术方法。
A.列车挤岔 B.PIS系统故障10分钟 C.列车车门、站台门夹人动车 D.接触轨断电20分钟 [判断题]峰下线路的对称道岔不得小于7号,三开道岔不得小于6号
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]负控装置的安装、维护和检修作业一般应()进行,若需不停电进行,作业时应有()的措施。
A.带电;防止误碰运行设备、误分闸 B.带电;防止机械伤害 C.停电;防止误碰运行设备、误分闸 D.停电;防止高空坠落 [单选题]根据《行政处罚法》的规定,下列可以当场作出行政处罚决定并收缴罚款的是( )。
A.依法给予50元以下罚款的 B.依法给予20元以下罚款的 C.被处罚人在当地没有固定住所的 D.依法处200元以下罚款的 [判断题]操作票中受令时间、操作开始时间、操作结束时间的其中之一没有填写、填写错误的操作票为不合格。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪一位是古典功利主义代表作《伦理学方法》的作者?()
A. 斯宾诺莎 B. 莱布尼茨 C. 西季威克 D. 日丹诺夫 [判断题]在常温下,脑细胞在没有氧气供应时超过10分钟以上就会发生不可逆损伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]由于谷壳含有多缩戊糖和果胶质等,在酿酒过程中生成糖醛和甲醇等有害物质,因此使用前应对其进行( )。
A.除杂 B.烘干 C.清蒸 D.储存 我来回答: 提交