Schooling and Education It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a ch [简答题]事故隐患治理的基本原则是什么?
[单项选择]New Plan for Gallery Design
Officials from the Arizona state government announced that there will be an architecture design competition for the new Tucson Modern Art Gallery. The competition is the first stage of the construction of the gallery, and it is expected that the whole project will be finished by 2014. The gallery, which will be built on the site of the old town hall, is the focus of the state government’s push to make Tucson and the surrounding region a tourist center for arts and culture. Government officials are confident that the competition will attract a number of bold and innovative designs. They have invited architects from across the country and from overseas to participate. Architects will send a copy of the proposed design along with a letter explaining their concept. The competition closes on December 12 this year, after which a panel of experts will review the entries and pick a winner. The public’s opinion will also be taken into A. It will include environmentally friendly materials. B. It will be made entirely of ice. C. It will be visually interesting for visitors. D. It will feature contrasting colors. [多选题]充气者必须经过_ ___进行充气。
A.培训 B.取得相应资格证书 C.到国家许可的充气站 D.同事推荐 E.自主学习 [单选题](1.0分)《建设工程安全生产管理条例》(国务院令第393号)规定,()应当向()提供施工现场及毗邻区域内供水.排水.供电.供气.供热.通信.广播电视等地下管线资料,气象和水文观测资料,相邻建筑物和构筑物.地下工程的有关资料,并保证资料的真实.准确.完整。
A.市政管理部门,建设单位 B.市政管理部门,施工单位 C.建设单位,施工单位 D.施工单位,建设单位 [简答题]使用高压操作有哪些注意事项?
A.肾小球滤过率增高 B.肾血浆流量增大 C.滤过膜上带负电荷的糖蛋白减少或消失 D.肾小球滤过膜面积增大 E.血浆蛋白浓度增高 [单选题]58. 根据睡眠脑电图的特点,可将人类的睡眠分为
A.深睡眠和浅睡眠♂ B.慢波睡眠和快波睡眠♂ C.常规睡眠和催眠状态♂ [单选题]多相催化反应过程中,不作为控制步骤的是( )
A. 外扩散过程 B. 内扩散过程 C. 表面反应过程 D.吸附过程 [单项选择]血管性痴呆的诊断要点是
A. 多为老年人发病 B. 有以智能障碍为核心的痴呆综合征 C. 病情呈阶梯式恶化 D. 可有高血压、高血脂和中风史 E. 以都正确 [填空题]权益融资的凭证一般表现为()或()。
[多选题] “大跃进”和人民公社化运动是我国探索建设社会主义道路中的一次严重失误。下列选项属于其内容的是( )。
A.宣布1958年要生产钢1070万吨,即比上年钢产量翻一番 B.“人有多大胆,地有多大产” C.主要工业产品产量方面在十年内超过英国、十五年内赶上美国 D.“一天等于20年,跑步进入共产主义” [判断题]矿山企业安全生产管理部门负责人对本单位事故隐患排查治理工作全面负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]溴化氢的外观性状为棕色液体,具有刺激性酸味。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]建立施工项目成本管理责任制、开展成本控制和核算基础是( )
A.施工成本预测 B.施工成本计划 C.施工成本核算 D.施工成本分析 [简答题]感应电动机通过定子的三相电流产生___磁场。
A.直线井 B.转角井 C.三通井 D.四通井 [多选题]— 年 6 月 3 日,某银行(已接入人民银行反假货币信息系统)的临柜人员在为客户办理业务清点客户存款时发现了 3 张 100 元面额可疑币,冠字号码分别为 G2A2386175、G2F8983045、G2F8984439, 经过其他工作人员复核确认是假币后,王晓芳当场收缴了这 3 张 100 元假币。以下关于该银行业金融机构处理假币的做法表述正确的是()。
A. 临柜人员王晓芳登陆反假货币信息系统,按照冠字号码分类填写《假币收缴凭证》; B. 其中两张假币 G2F8983045、G2F8984439 的冠字号码前 6 位相同视为同一冠字号码合并面额、张数填写《假币收缴凭证》; C. 3 张假币的冠字号码各不相同,不能合并张数面额填制《假币收缴凭证》; D. 根据相关规定,不允许收缴人员在该批假币上面加盖“假币戳记”。 [多选题]下列属于电压互感器二次电压异常的处理原则有:()。
A.测量二空气开关(二次熔断器)进线侧电压,如电压正常,检查二次空气开关及二次回路;如电压异常,检查设备本体及高压熔断器。 B.处理过程中应注意二次电压异常对继电保护、自动装置的影响,采取相应的措施,防止误动、拒动。 C.中性点非有效接地系统,应检查现场有无接地现象、互感器有无异常声响,并汇报值班调控人员,采取措施将其消除或隔离故障点。 D.二次熔断器熔断或二次空气开关跳开,应试送二次空气开关(更换二次熔断器),试送不成汇报值班调控人员申请停运处理。 [单项选择]胎粪吸入性肺炎多见于()
A. 剖宫产儿 B. 早产儿 C. 过期产儿 D. 巨大儿 E. 小于胎龄儿 我来回答: 提交