HONG KONG—Hong Kong’s red flag was
raised into sky Sunday as the former British colony marked the 10th anniversary
of its handover to China and bid farewell to a rocky decade of financial woes
(灾难,忧患), disease outbreaks and economic recovery. A few hundred people stood near Hong Kong’s harbor to watch the ceremony attended by dignitaries (显贵人物). The crowd erupted with cheers when four helicopters carrying flags of China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region flew over the area. "We’re here to celebrate Hong Kong’s birthday," said 12-year-old Jenny Kwok. Since Hong Kong returned to China, the city has been governed under a "One Country, Two Systems" formula. The arrangement has allowed the territory to keep its capitalist economy, British-style legal system, free press and civil liberties, and Beijing has honored its promise A. the former Portuguese colony B. the former British colony C. the former American colony D. the former Japanese colony [单选题]对待集体讨薪的,下列处置过程有误的是( )
A.现场应注意稳定情绪,防止激化矛盾。 B.现场了解系集体讨薪事件的,该情况应不属于公安机关管辖,登记后可以撤离现场。 C.配合进行法制宣讲,引导民工向相关部门投诉,或者通过司法途径解决纠纷。 D.及时报告指挥中心通知人力资源社会保障主管部门、欠薪单位及其行政主管部门派员到场处置。 [单项选择]Hawthorne's view of man and human history originates, to a great extent, in ______.
A. Catholicism B. Puritanism C. Lutheranism D. Islam [判断题]躲避本线列车时(不含正线),下道距离不少于500m。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电力系统发生A相金属性接地短路时,故障点的零序电压( )。
A.与A相电压同相位 B.与A相电压相位相差180° C.超前于A相电压90 D.滞后于A相电压90° [单选题]成段更换钢轨时,将钢轨连接成一定长度的钢轨组,应根据轨温和钢轨长度合理设置轨缝。钢轨组长度一般为300m至( )m,直线地段可长一点,曲线地段宜短一点。
A.400 B.600 C.800 D.500 [单选题]打造( )的社会治理格局。
A.共有共管共享 B.共建共治共享 C.共建共有共享 D.共谋共治共享 [单选题]( )与审慎的会计准则相抵触。
A.历史成本法 B.市场价值法 C.净现值法 D.合理价值法 [判断题]不良贷款债务重组实行授权决策制度,决策人对不良资产管理委员会表决同意的结果可以否决,对表决不同意的结果不得同意处置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )负责中央管理的建筑施工企业安全生产许可证的颁发和管理。
A.质检部 B. 地方政府 C. 国务院建设主管部门 D. 省级建设部门 [单项选择]中毒性白内障是下列何种毒物中毒最常见的特征性体征
A. 三硝基甲苯 B. 砷 C. 镉 D. 汞 E. 铅 我来回答: 提交