第一节 词语配伍
Speech, whether oral or written, is a used commodity. If we are to be heard, we must (1) our words from those (2) to us within families, peer groups, societal institutions, and political net works. Our utterances position us both in an immediate social dialogue (3) our addressee and, simultaneously, in a larger ideological one (4) by history and society. We speak as an individual and also, as a student or teacher, a husband or wife, a person of a particular discipline, social class, religion, race, or other socially constructed (5) . Thus, to varying degrees, all speaking is a (6) of others’ words and all writing is rewriting. As language (7) , we experience individual agency by in fusing our own intentions (8) other people’s words, and this can be very hard.
(9) , schools, like into churches and courtrooms, are places (10) people speak words that are more important than they are. The words
A. Traditionally
B. Similarly
C. However
D. Strangely
Crocodiles only live where it is hot.
They are found in India, Australia, Africa and America. The crocodile is an
egg-producing animal. They spend most of their time lying around in the mud or
the rivers. The female crocodiles bury their eggs under the mud. The crocodile’s
long powerful tail is used when the animal is swimming. It is also an excellent
weapon, because it can be swung with great speed and force. One blow will knock
down a man or even a big animal at once. The crocodile is very well protected
against its enemies by the hard bony plates that cover most of its body, but
because of the way its neck is formed, it can not turn its head from side to
side and so it can only see in front of itself. The crocodile has its teeth
cleaned by another crocodile, which can’t clean its own teeth for it can’t move
its tongue up and down. With its A. over the water B. beside the water C. under the water D. on the water [多选题]建筑物及相关的设施、设备在使用过程中会发生磨损,导致的现象包括()
A.收益能力下降 B.物业空间服务质量降低 C.运行成本上升 D.设备设施的运行效率下降 E.劳动生产率上升 [填空题]条形码标记与识别装置之间的位置,因标记的粘贴和物品在输送带上位置的变动等原因,不可能绝对相互垂直,因此,允许有一定的()。
A. <1周 B. 1~2周 C. 3~4周 D. 5~6周 E. >6周 [多选题]消防水泵按出口压力分 。
A..低压消防泵 B..中压消防泵 C..高压消防泵 D..高低压消防泵 E..超高压消防泵 [单选题]( )负责权限范围内的实体档案库房电子化信息维护和实物档案信息化管理,具有档案利用、档案统计、历史档案管理等功能权限,是系统内档案出入库、移库、销毁、查询、借阅流程的发起人。
A.管理员 B.操作员 C.审批员 D.库房维护员 [单选题]二级高处作业由车间( )审批签发。
A.安全工程师 B.工艺工程师 C.主任 D.班长 [判断题]根据《运营事业总部施工管理系统使用管理实施细则》:施工负责人进行请销点的车站,原则上必须是作业区域所关联的车站/车厂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不属于卡托普利的不良反应的是()。
A. 高血钾 B. 低血压 C. 咳嗽 D. 血管神经性水肿 E. 面部潮红 [单项选择]从中、短期来看,决定股票价格的主要因素是( )。
A. 内在价值 B. 供求关系 C. 企业的税后利润 D. 国家总体经济环境 [单选题]踏勘现场的目的是让投标人了解工程现场场地和( )情况等,以便投标人编制施工组织设计或施工方案,以及获取计算各种措施费用时必要的信息。
A.周围环境 B.自然条件 C.施工条件 D.现场情况 [判断题]变压器的上层油温在正常时一般在85℃以下,对强迫泊循环水冷却的变压器为75℃。第七章
A.GSM-R系统 B.电源及机房环境监控系统 C.综合视频监控系统 D.传调度通信系统 [填空题]等级是指同等( )以承运人提供的( )条件不同确定。《铁路旅客运输规程》
[判断题]对于同类烃,其分子量越大,其发生催化裂解反应的速度越慢。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]炒后利于保存有效成分的药物是()
A. 莱菔子 B. 牵牛子 C. 槐花 D. 决明子 E. 苍耳子 [多选题]有价单证的发售或签发应按号码顺序不得跳号,坚持“()”的原则。
A.先收款 B.先核验 C.后办理 D.后付款 [多选题]动火工作完毕后,()和运维许可人应检查现场有无残留火种,是否清洁等。
A.动火工作票签发人 B.动火执行人 C.消防监护人 D.动火工作负责人 我来回答: 提交