It was a cold spring morning in London.
People walking in the street were wearing heavy clothes. The weather had been
very bad for the past week, and now many people were ill. Today there were quite
a few people in the doctor’s waiting room. There were still a few minutes
before the doctor started seeing the patients (患者). A man of about seventy years old was at the front ’of the queue (排队). He did not live in this city. He came from a farm north of London, he was here to visit his daughter who was a secretary in a big company. He wanted to see the doctor because of his back problem. Soon an Indian (印度人) came into the waiting room, and walked straight to the doctor’ s door. When he saw this, the old man stood up and took hold of his arm. He said sl [单选题]GHT-5焊缝对比试块B区的共有8个直径为( )的横孔。
A.3mm B.4mm C.5mm D.6mm [判断题]依据《国网陕西省电力有限公司关于印发落实“四个管住”工作实施方案的通知》,落实作业人员备案制管理。各专业部门、各单位建立人员实名制信息库,组织开展作业人员备案及安全准入考试。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“山药蛋派”形成于20世纪50年代,作品坚持现实主义的创作方法和口语化的写作特点,追求生活的真实,反映生活的矛盾和问题。这一流派的代表作家是( )。
A. 赵树理 B. 柳青 C. 贾平凹 D. 苏童 [填空题]American Group Dynamics
Today, in Western research institutes and university department, much work is done as a team project and American group dynamics is a topic we should be familiar with. I. The View of Professional and (1) Relationships (1) ______ 1. Separate the two relationships —no need to (2) with your co-workers (2) ______ —no need to socialize with your co-workers after office hours 2. Neglect the conflicting personalities or (3) (3) ______ —put aside your negative attitude towards a coworker and Ⅱ. Equality and Participation 1. Everyone is treated as (4) (4) ______ —express his/her opinion freely 2. A leader’s role —not dominate a group —not the important person —make sure everyone (5) (5) ______ —act more [判断题]车站同意闭塞的条件:接车进路准备妥当,且同方向前次列车出清前方站站台或折返站折返线空闲、前次列车完成折返作业、进入折返线进路准备妥当。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]遇天气恶劣,信号机显示距离不足200m时,司机或车站值班员须立即报告列车调度员,列车调度员应及时发布( ),改按( )的办法行车。
[单选题] 哪个活门保证等量燃油流量?(DSC-70-45-10)
A.高压燃油关断活门 B.低压燃油关断活门 C.燃油测量活门 [单项选择]在实际工作中,礼宾次序的排列往往是()方法的交叉,并考虑其他因素。
A. 四种 B. 两种 C. 三种 D. 多种 [判断题]本制度规范的费用优惠仅包括银行承兑汇票费用,不包括敞口开票业务的风险补偿金。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]直接埋在地下的电缆,一般应使用无铠装电缆。只有在修理电缆时,才允许使用铠装电缆,还必须外加机械保护。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]保证期间,如果债权人依法将主债权转让给第三人,保证人应在()的范围内继续担保保证责任。
A. 债权的部分 B. 新合同约定 C. 合同债权 D. 原保证担保 [单项选择] Davison knelt down close to the bottom of the basement stairs. He was saved for the moment by the thick fog which covered the street. Could the policemen be sure that he hadn’’t turned round and run back into the main street But they weren’’t taking chances. Davison slowly went down the street as they searched all the doorways.
There wasn’’t a light on in the basement flat behind him. That alone was dangerous. The policemen were coming close but they wouldn’’t expect to find him in an occupied flat. There was a notice on the door which said "No milk till Monday", he tore it down. He tried the door and found it was double locked. The footsteps came nearer very slowly. They must be searching thoroughly. He knew there was one chance because people were often careless, so he took out a knife, slipped it under the catch of the window and pushed upward until the window slid up. He climbed through quickly and fell on to a bed. He closed the window and turned on the light at once.
A. he wondered whether there was someone in it. B. he wanted to examine the flat. C. the policemen might not look in an occupied flat. D. he could observe the policemen. [单选题]PE线上严禁安装开关和熔断器.严禁通过工作电流.且严禁断线。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]带电接引线时未接通相的导线及带电断引线时已断开相的导线将因感应而带电。为防止电击,应在许可后才能触及。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]GLARING: LIGHT : :
A. piquant: odor B. ruined: building C. grating: sound D. infamous: performance E. epidemic: malady 我来回答: 提交