{{B}} Middle Age: A Low Point for Most{{/B}} People around the globe hit the height of their misery and depression in{{U}} (51) {{/U}}age, a new international study suggests. The finding by British and American researchers was based on an analysis of well-being among approximately 2 million people in 80 nations. With few exceptions, the observation appears to apply across the board, regardless{{U}} (52) {{/U}}gender (性别), culture, geography, wealth, job history, education, and marriage or parental status. "The scientific fact seems to be that happiness and positive mental health follow a giant ’U’ {{U}} (53) {{/U}}through life," said study author Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of economics at Warwick University in Warwi A. race B. gender C. education D. income [多选题] ( )管件用于管道分支并且进出口同一口径。
A.等径三通 B.异径管 C.等径弯头 D.等径四通 E.异径弯头 [多选题]施工现场出人口应标有企业名称或者企业标识。主要出入口明显处应设置( )等制度牌。
A.工程概况牌 B.施工现场总平面图 C.环境保护与绿色施工 D.消防保卫 E.施工告示图 [多选题]绕线式电动机转子串电阻起动的特点有(____)。
A.设备简单 B.起动性能好,可以在重负载下起动 C.设备较复杂 D.投资较高 [判断题]每台起重机械应备有一个或多个紧急停止开关,当有紧急情况时,应能够停止所有运动的驱动机构,紧急停止开关应为红色,并且能够自动复位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Because Smith failed to show up for the job interview, he()the shortlist of applicants.
A. had been crossed off B. was crossing off C. has been crossed off D. has been crossing off [多选题]公司投资项目实行()和合同管理制。
A.项目法人责任制 B.资本金制 C.招投标制 D.工程监理制 [单选题]当机械的两轴既不平行又不相交,而在空间垂直交叉时可以采用( )。
A.蜗杆传动 B.螺旋齿轮传动 C.圆椎齿轮传动 D.摆线齿轮 [多项选择]正畸治疗过程中牙周组织可能出现的反应有()
A. 菌斑堆积引起牙龈炎症 B. 牙龈增生 C. 牙龈退缩 D. 牙根吸收 E. 牙槽骨吸收和附着丧失 [名词解释]metamorphosis (变态)
[单项选择]FIDIC施工合同工程,其预付款分期扣还的比例与( )成正比。
A. 预付款总额 B. 合同价格 C. 合同工期 D. 暂列金额 [单项选择]小儿白细胞总数接近成人水平的年龄为()
A. 2岁 B. 4岁 C. 6岁 D. 8岁 E. 10岁 [单选题]绝大多数急性胰腺炎患者的首发症状是()
A.恶心 B.呕吐 C.休克 D.腹痛 [单项选择]铁路槽车灌装容积可以用()求得。
A. 槽车高度乘以充装介质密度 B. 槽车高度除以充装介质密度 C. 充装质量乘以充装介质密度 D. 充装质量除以充装介质密度 我来回答: 提交