My husband and children feel very happy
to live here. They can’t see that we live on a dirty street in a dirty house
among people who aren’t good. They can’t see that our neighbors have to make
happiness out of all this dirt. I decided that my children must get out of this.
The money that we’ve saved isn’t nearly enough. The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. They look down upon the poor. The McGarity gift just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldn’t eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer (下水道). Why Is it only because they have money There is more to happiness than money in the world, isn’t there Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn’t A. is easy to get along with B. is never pleased with her neighbors C. is unhappy with the life they are living D. is good at observing and understanding people [填空题]根据震源深度可将地震划分为:()、()、()。
A..夏柯三联症 B..墨菲征阳性 C..症状严重而体征轻微 D..腹痛、黄疸、休克 E..高热、休克、昏迷 [简答题]可燃气体的爆炸危险性与哪些因素有关?
[判断题]手到是指:遇到地面有水,及时设置“小心地滑”牌,设备故障时放“暂停服务“牌,地面较脏及时寻找保洁清扫。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在向套管头内坐套管卡瓦、切割套管等作业前,确认防喷器固定牢靠,在套管头与防喷器之间垫牢( )。
A.钢圈; B.胶木; C.支撑装置 D.螺栓。 [单选题] 希望工作可以适合个人的能力和爱好,这是职业理想的( )。
A.最高层次 B.较高层次 C.更高层次 D.低层次 [简答题] 根据工作票制度,在配电线路和设备上工作,按哪些方式进行? (1.0分)
[判断题]化学专业与检修工作需要延期,运行班长陆某在“工作票延期”栏填写好延期时间后要求工作负责人签字确认。此操作流程是否正确。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]路由器是互联网的主要节点设备,它通过路由决定数据的转发。也可以说,路由器构成了Internet的骨架。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某站因通信网络因施工误碰造成该站500kV线路及厂站间生产实时控制业务通信通道全部中断42分钟,这是这是一起电力安全二级事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电带电作业用工具库房温度宜为( )℃。
A. -3~10 B.10~28 C.2~25 D.5~30 [单选题] 六方方钻杆的公称尺寸是指( )。
A.方形边边长 B.两平行边间的距离 C.外接圆直径 D.内径 [单选题]违反规定出境或者办理因私出境证件,情节严重的,予以( )
A.降级或者撤职 B.撤职或者留用察看 C.撤职或者开除 D.开除 [单项选择]健康的、成熟的成年人格不包括()
A. 自我扩展的能力 B. 体现自我主观化 C. 体现真实的感知 D. 体现自我客观化 [多选题]下列哪些是具有反洗钱功能的地区性国际组织( )
A.欧洲委员会 B.欧洲联盟 C.美洲国家组织 D.亚太反洗钱小组 我来回答: 提交