"Where is the university " is a
question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer
for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the
city. You can find classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the
university all over the city. And most of its members arc the students and
teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges. Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived about 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the Opening of the r [多选题]下列说法中,正确的是( )
A.卸料平台两侧应设置4个吊环,并应对称设置在护栏外边 B.卸料平台吊环材质应采用直径不小于20mm的HPB300钢筋。 C.平台两侧的吊环应与前后两道斜拉钢丝绳连接,钢丝绳和钢梁夹角≥60°。 D.钢丝绳应采用专用的钢丝绳卡连接,钢丝绳卡应与钢丝绳直径相匹配,且不得少于4个。 E.钢丝绳应采用专用的钢丝绳卡连接,钢丝绳卡应与钢丝绳直径相匹配,且不得少于3个。 [单选题]腹外斜肌腱膜形成的结构是
A.精素内筋膜 B.腹股沟镰 C.腹股沟管深环 D.提睾肌 E.腹股沟軔芾 [单选题]现场指挥人员站在能够观察到各个岗位的位置,在抱杆脱帽前应位于四点一线的垂直面上,不得站在总牵引地锚受力的()。
A.后方 B.前方 C.侧方 D.下方 E./ F./ [填空题]
{{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} · You will hear a business presentation about 3 simple selling tactics. · As you listen, for questions 1—12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. · You will hear the recording twice.
NOTES Business Presentation Pay Attention to Getting Attention 1. A major obstacle of selling things is that your sales message will be______ Three proven ways you can capture a prospect’s attention quickly: 2. Make a______ 3. Emphasize the ______ 4. Trigger Your Customer’s Emphasize the Human Relationship 5. Prospective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from ______ Tip: 6. Sell yourself to make prospective customers ______ with the selling process, 7. Sell your company and its history of producing results to m [单选题]下列哪项为西餐吃面包时的礼仪( )。
A. 用餐刀切面包 B. 用叉子吃面包 C. 吃面包要用手撕开,一次吃多少就撕多少 D. 吃面包时可以用面包去沾黄油 [简答题]数据挖掘以及OLAP的差别是什么?你何时会推荐一个公司使用OLAP?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]变压器故障跳闸后的巡视项目包括(____)。
A. 检查现场一次设备(特别是保护范围内设备)有无着火、爆炸、喷油、放电痕迹、导线断线、短路、小动物爬入等情况 B. 检查保护及自动装置(包括气体继电器和压力释放阀)的动作情况 C. 检查各侧断路器运行状态(位置、压力、油位) D. 以上均是 [单项选择]心脏病患者,心功能Ⅱ级,妊娠38周,枕先露,胎心140次/分,有不规律宫缩,宫颈管已消失,骨盆正常。在第三产程中,不正确的处理方法是()
A. 皮下注射吗啡 B. 宫缩欠佳时,注射缩宫素 C. 宫缩欠佳时,注射麦角新碱 D. 胎儿娩出后,腹部置沙袋 E. 按摩子宫,促进子宫收缩 [判断题]举办文化、体育等大型群众性活动,违反有关规定,有发生安全事故危险的,责令停止活动,立即疏散,可不予治安管理处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下对防毒面具选择原则描述错误的是()
A.A.防毒面具只能用于氧气含量合格的有限空间 B.B.防毒面具只能用于非IDLH的有限空间 C.C.选择防毒面具时要注意面罩与佩戴者面部的贴合程度 D.D.当有限空间中存在的有毒有害气体不止一种,且不属于一种过滤件类型时,应选择能防护毒性最大气体的滤毒罐/盒 [单项选择]服务员将面包、黄油放在客人的面包盘和黄油碟内的服务必须在西餐宴会开始前()。
A. 3分钟 B. 5分钟 C. 7分钟 D. 10分钟 [单选题]单选题高处作业的基础高度是以作业位置为中心,()m为半径,划出的的垂直水平面的柱形空间内的最低处与作业位置间的最高差。
A.4 B.3 C.6 [单选题]按照《医院分级管理标准》,医院经过评审,确定为()级,每级再划分为甲、乙、丙三等,分别表示了医院的综合实力。
A.A-三 B.B-四 C.C-五 D.D-六 [多选题]依据《企业所得稅法》的规定,判定居民企业的标准有( )
A.登记注册地标准 B.所得来源地标准 C.经营行为实际发生地标准 D.实际管理机构所在地标准 [单选题]胃容受性舒张是通过下列哪一途径实现的?
A.交感神经兴奋 B.迷走神经末梢释放肽类物质 C.壁内神经丛兴奋 D.迷走神经末梢释放ACh E.迷走神经引起胃黏膜释放前列腺素 [填空题]
I am honored to be here today, {{U}} (1) {{/U}} Harvard
at this celebration of the College Board’s half century of working to promote
{{U}} (2) {{/U}} and equal opportunity in higher education.
Before I say anything else, I want to thank everyone in the room for the work you do every day to make college {{U}} (3) {{/U}}, available, and {{U}} (4) {{/U}} for millions of young people across the country. I want to focus my remarks on a matter of {{U}} (5) {{/U}} to American familiesand to the future of the nation -- restoring education to its proper role as a {{U}} (6) {{/U}} to equal opportunity and {{U}} (7) {{/U}} in our society. This has been an {{U}} (8) {{/U}} in higher education, with great and creative efforts made by many institutions. Earlier this year, we announced a new {{U}} (9) {{/U}} at Harvard aimed at the students from families of low and {{U}} (10) {{/U}} income. Under our new program, families with [判断题]采用胶结充填采矿法时,在胶结充填体没有达到要求的强度以前,不得进行矿柱回采。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]普查的特点有( )。
A.它是一次性的专门调查 B.它是一种非全面调查 C.调查资料包括的范围全面、详尽、系统 D.工作量大、耗时长、成本高 E.不适宜经常举行 [单选题]下面关于咯血的叙述说法错误的是
A.24小时咯血量500ml以上为中量咯血 B.24小时咯血量100ml以内为小量咯血 C.咯血多为鲜红色或暗红色 D.急性或慢性支气管炎是咯血的常见原因 E.小量到中等量的咯血大多可自行终止 我来回答: 提交