Believe it or not, airlines really are
trying to do better. They promised to improve customer service last year
{{U}} (21) {{/U}}pressure from a Congress which was {{U}} (22)
{{/U}} stories of nightmare flights. So why is it that flying is getting {{U}} (23) {{/U}} for so many passengers, {{U}} (24) {{/U}} airlines are spending billions of dollars to improve service, {{U}} (25) {{/U}} in new equipment such as mobile check-in stations and portable phone banks so travelers can quickly {{U}} (26) {{/U}} a flight when it is delayed or canceled The fact is that air travel has {{U}} (27) {{/U}} been such an annoyance, and customer complaints to the Transportation Department doubled in 1999 {{U}} (28) {{/U}} 1998. It seems Mother Nature would {{U}} (29) {{/U}} people by bus this year. An unusual run of bad weather, {{U}} (30) {{/U A. featuring B. capturing C. distinguishing D. characterizing [单选题]前列腺摘除术后护理,错误的是:
A.定期复查 B.保持大便通畅,避免用力排便 C.便秘时口服缓泻剂 D.术后1周内可作肛管排气或灌肠 E.2个月内避免持重物 [单选题]( )是电焊作业人员常见的职业性眼外伤,主要由电弧光照射、紫外线辐射引起。
A.白内障 B.红眼病 C.电光性眼炎 [单选题]省高速集团为有效防范和打击逃漏通行费行为,建立了( )级监督体系
A.A.一 B.B.二 C.C.三 D.D.四 E.C [简答题]食盐和食糖在食品盐渍过程中的防腐作用分别包括哪几个方面?
A. 112 B. 427 C. 564 D. 273 [单选题]老年人夜间安静睡眠时容易发生脑血栓的原因是
A.血稠流动慢 B.体温降低 C.脑栓塞 D.心肌收缩力下降 E.脑血管痉挛 [单选题]桥梁现场作业,一般采用容量( )及以下发电机组,作为各种机械的电源。
A.180kW B.120kW C.100kW D.80kW 我来回答: 提交