11-15 The central idea of cell phones is that you should be connected to almost everyone and everything at all times. The trouble is that cell phones assault your peace of mind no matter what you do. If you turn them off, why have one You just irritate anyone who might call. If you’re on and no one calls, you’re irrelevant, unloved or both. If everyone calls, you’re a basket case. As with other triumphs of the mass market, cell phones reached a point when people forget what it was like before they existed. No one remembers life before cars, TVs, air conditioners, jets, credit cards, microwave ovens and ATM cards. So, too, now with cell phones. Anyone without one will soon be classified as an eccentric or member of the (deep) underclass. Look at the numbers, In 1985 there were 340,213 cell-phone users. By ye A. annoyance B. benefits C. inconvenience D. clearness [单选题]玩铁路职工忽职守、违反规章制度造成铁路运营事故的( )。
A.给予批评教育 B.给予行政处分 C.追究刑事责任 [判断题]夜间装卸易燃易爆物品时,不准使用明火灯具,应该使用防爆灯具。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1号线ATS显示的扣车字符为()表示中心和车站同时设置扣车。
A.红 B.黄 C.蓝 D.白 [单项选择]下列病证,不适宜用固涩方剂的是()
A. 血热崩漏 B. 小便失禁 C. 崩漏带下 D. 久咳不愈 E. 肾虚遗精 [单选题]17.行业各单位要定期开展卷烟包装标识和宣传用语清理,()负责牵头,相关部门协同配合,积极开展自查,对查找清理过程中发现的问题及时整改
A.法规部门 B.营销部门 C.专卖部门 D.整顿部门 [单选题]007323DPZ-440配砟整形车(单向作业)加注润滑时,不能使用大于()bar的油脂枪。
A.6 B.8 C.10 D.15 [判断题]在SE航班座位图显示“=”,表示已经有旅客占用
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]轨道交通发生故障或者发现存在影响轨道交通运营安全的隐患时,轨道交通运营单位应采取相应措施,先行排除妨碍、恢复安全运营。暂时不能恢复安全运营的,轨道交通运营单位可以暂时停止或部分停止线路运营,并应当及时向社会公告,报告市道路运输管理机构,同时组织乘客疏散和换乘。
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