McDonald’ s founders Dick and Mac McDonald started with their little drive - in restaurant in San Bernardion, California in the late 1940s, But McDonald’ s today serves 38 million customers each day, 20 million of them in the USA. It has about 23,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries around the world. It’ s one of the world’ s great business organizations, with most restaurants world - wide run by a franchisee or affiliate partner of the company. It’ s one of the two most recognized and powerful brands in the world, the other being Coca - Cola, the only soft drink supplier to McDonald’ s to day. It’ s a growing company, adding more than 2,000 new restaurants to their system each year. This means a new McDonald’ s will open somewhere in the world every five hours of every day. It generates sales of more than $ 31 billion a year and earns net income of more than $1.5 billion annually. McDonald’ s opened its first re
A Trip{{/B}} Every year New Zealanders living in London can be seen loading up Kombi vans and heading off to experience the “classic European holiday”. The trip usually starts in the north of France, after crossing the channel from Dover in England to Calais, driving down through France, over the Pyrenees into Spain, west into Portugal and then across the Continent to Italy and often beyond. There are numerous reasons young New Zealanders take this rite of passage—as well as seeing all the fantastic sights and tasting the delights of Europe’s food and wine, it’s relatively inexpensive. The Kombi is transport and accommodation all in one, cutting down significantly on costs. There is just one problem. As the Kombis become “antique”, these trips are usually punc A. the name of the trip B. the friend going with you C. the brand of the van D. the name of a hotel [判断题]不得随意拆除未采取补强措施的受力构件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Ph1染色体是指() A. 22号染色体长臂移位到9号染色体长臂 B. 22号染色体长臂移位到9号染色体短臂 C. 22号染色体短臂移位到9号染色体长臂 D. 21号染色体长臂移位到9号染色体长臂 E. 21号染色体长臂移位到9号染色体短臂 [单项选择]下列()要求碳含量越低越好。
A. 不锈钢 B. 弹簧钢 C. 工具钢 [单选题]推动人生自觉活动的力量可能来源人自身内部或外部的许多方面,但其中最根本最持久的是( )。
A.人的素质和品德 B.人生的修养和境界 C.人生理想和信念 D.人生的情感和态度 [单项选择]一般而言,变压吸附气体分离装置中的吸附剂分离系数不宜小于():
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 [单项选择]首次办理跨境人民币业务时,企业应向建设银行提供().
A. 企业信息情况表 B. 单位基本情况表 C. 申请书 D. 开户申请书 [单选题]采用正确射水姿势,开、关水枪(分水器)动作要缓慢,避免水锤作用,严禁对射误伤他人。利用喷雾射流实施掩护时,通常与保护目标保持( )米的有效距离
A.4—5 B.3—5 C.3—4 D.2—4 [单选题]国家食品药品监督管理总局设有
A. 15个内设机构 B. 17个内设机构 C.18个内设机构 D. 20个内设机构 [多选题]添加辅食的原则是:( )
A. 从少到多 B. 从细到粗 C. 由稀到稠 D. 由一种到多种 E. 可以少量成人食物代替辅食 [单项选择]卵巢内胚窦瘤的血清标记物是()
A. AFP B. ACTH C. CA125 D. E2 E. HCG [单项选择]男,68岁,血尿1周,直肠指诊触及质硬结节。具有确诊意义的检查是()
A. B超检查 B. MRI C. 直肠指诊 D. 穿刺活细胞检查 E. 血清PSA升高 F. ACT [多选题] 3 下列选项中属于取保候审期间保证人应承担的保证义务有( )。
A.监督被保证人遵守应当遵守的相关规定 B.发现被保证人可能发生或已经发生违反规定的行为,及时向执行机关报告 C.管理被保证人的日常生活 D.教育被保证人改邪归正 [单项选择]患者男,58岁,因“反复眩晕3d”来诊。3d前早晨起床时出现眩晕,持续约1min,不伴头痛、恶心、呕吐、构音障碍、面部或肢体麻木。之后在晾晒衣服时出现类似情况,在晚上躺下或早晨起床时又有类似发作。有高血压、心肌缺血病史;有吸烟史。正确的治疗是()
A. 抗组胺药 B. 阿司匹林 C. 改善循环 D. Epley颗粒复位 E. 颈椎手术 [判断题]司机须严格执行一次出乘、呼唤应答和车机联控等作业标准,规范操纵轨道作业车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]光电开关的类型有( )。
A.对射式 B.扩散反射型 C.镜面反射型 D.会聚型反射式 [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司旅客投诉处理实施细则》规定,对较为突出、典型的投诉问题,由总公司客运处直接组织调查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在同杆塔架设多回路中部分线路停电的杆塔上进行工作时,( )进入带电侧的横担,或在该侧横担上放置任何物件。
A.可以 B.经工作负责人同意可以 C.不宜 D.不准 [判断题]雨天行车,路面湿滑,对消防车转向、制动都不利,因此要适当控制车速。能见度在50m以内时,车速不准超过30km/h。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]逾期未年检的老年票将自动转为( )储值票。
A. 7折 B. 8折 C. 8.1折 D.9折 [判断题]可以在互联网上传消防证件、着消防制服照片和队伍工作履历等消防指战员身份的信息。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交