Companies have the legal right to monitor
employees’e-mail and instant messaging.Many do, whether they warn their workers
or not.Last month the University of Tennessee released the e-mail correspondence
between an administrator and a married college president in which the
administrator wrote of her love for him, and of her use of drugs and alcohol to
deal with her unhappiness.Employers, including The New York Times and Dow
Chemical, have fired workers for sending improper e-mail. But the fastest-growing area for Internet spying is the home.SpectorSoft, a leading manufacturer of spyware, at first marketed its products to parents and employers.Sales jumped enormously, however, when the company changed its pitch to target romantic partners."In just one day of running Spector on my home PC, I was able to identify my boyfriend’s true A. forbid their employees to get online at work B. respect the online privacy of their employees C. reveal the privacy of their employees publicly D. monitor the online activities of their employees [多选题] 实施起重作业时应注意()安全事项
A.起重操作作业必须佩戴护目镜(面罩)手套等防护装置。 B.起重设备应在额定安全工作范围,不得极限操作。 C.合理使用起重器材,正确选择起重位置。 D.采取必要加固措施,防止滑动发生意外伤害。 [单项选择]钢化玻璃是在炉内将平板玻璃均匀加热到()之后,喷射压缩空气使其表面迅速冷却制成的,制品具有很高的物理力学性能。
A. 500-600℃ B. 600-650℃ C. 700-750℃ D. 750-800℃ [单项选择]在两物体接触界面(),其所降低的摩擦的程度,即称为润滑。
A. 传动 B. 滑动 C. 窜动 D. 振动 [多选题]党的基层组织要对党员进行( ),提高党员素质,增强党性。
A.监督 B.服务 C.教育 D.管理 [单项选择]关于查封、扣押实施的对象,以下说法正确的是()
A. ABCED B. DCBEA C. DBCEA D. CDABE [单选题] 防止汽车燃料经济性下降的有效措施之一是( )。
A.保持良好的技术状态 B.定期进行轮胎换位 C.尽量用低挡行驶 D.尽量用高挡行驶 [单项选择]
A. because of B. instead of C. with D. without [判断题]根据《供电系统供电可靠性评价规程(DL/T836.2-2016)》规定,系统平均停电频率等于每次停电用户次数除以总用户数。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]古代两河流域建筑的主要成就和风格?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.49. 第49题
办理减容业务时,用户主体资格证明(营业执照、组织机构代码证、法人身份证明等),若系统内存在且在有效 期内的,则()。 A.需要再次提供原件 B.需要再次提供复印件 C.无需提供 D.需要再次提供原件和复印件 [简答题][T]B-A-B-005 3 4 3
通信前置机的功能是什么? [单选题]50、泡沫灭火剂灭火的主要作用是()。
A.A.隔离 B.B.窒息 C.C.冷却 D.D.抑制 我来回答: 提交