The energy crisis, which is being felt
around the world, has dramatized how the careless use of the earth’s resources
has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The overdevelopment of
motor transport, with its increase of more cars, more highways, more pollution,
more suburbs, more commuting, has contributed to the near-destruction of our
cities, the breakup of the family, and the pollution not only of local air but
also of the earth’s atmosphere. The disaster has arrived in the form of the
energy crisis. Our present situation is unlike war, revolution or depression. It is also unlike the great natural disasters of the past. Worldwide resources exploitation and energy use have brought us to a state where long-range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which en A. the energy crisis is similar to the natural disasters we had in the past B. the problem of energy is the most serious problem our country is confronted with C. the author is uninterested in the problems of our society D. the author is particularly worried about the crises we are facing [填空题]会计科目按照业务特点需要,划分为______科目和______科目。
A.将该笔应收账款确认为坏账 B.认定被审计单位虚构应收账款户名,捏造应收账款 C.查阅有关销货合同、发货单,验证应收账款的真实性 D.编制应收账款账龄分析表 [多选题]()是《幼儿园教育指导纲要》健康领域的内容与要求
A.教育幼儿爱清洁、讲卫生,注意保持个人和生活场所的整洁和卫生 B.密切结合幼儿的生活进行安全、营养和保健教育,提高幼儿的自我保护意识和能力 C.用幼儿感兴趣的方式发展基本动作,提高动作的协调性、灵活性 D.培养幼儿处理生活问题和学习知道的能力 [单项选择]对原因未明的急性中毒,应采用哪种洗胃溶液洗胃( )。
A. 冰水 B. 生理盐水 C. 1:5000高锰酸钾 D. 2%碳酸氢钠溶液 E. 2%~4%鞣酸溶液 [单选题]当脚手架高度达到( )时,应对脚手架所采用的杆件间距,进行核算,并从构造上对脚手架整体稳定进行加强。
A.24 B.25~50m C.50 D.50m以上 [多选题]根据现场的燃烧痕迹以及人证、物证认定放火案件,其要点是( )
A.准确确认起火点 B.排除起火点处存在其他火源引起火灾的可能性 C.获取放火嫌疑人到达起火点的证据 D.获取引火物或火种物证 [名词解释]《贞观公私画录》
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]车辆通行费的收费标准,应当根据公路的( )和收回投资的期限以及交通量等因素计算确定。
A.技术等级 B.投资总额 C.当地物价指数 D.偿还贷款或者有偿集资款的期限 [填空题]泰莱公司对面马路旁的测试桩是()桩
A.交流接入点 B.直流接入点 C.同级交流变电站 D.上级交流变电站 [填空题]制动模式曲线的计算基于()参数、()数据、LMA的位置和限速信息。
A. 洛克 B. 卢梭 C. 培根 D. 斯宾塞 [单选题]组合架零层配线中,从组合架正面看,从左向右顺序编号,( )为供条件电源用的18柱端子板。
A.01~03 B.04~06 C.07~08 D.09~013 [单选题] 在线路上垫入或撤出冻害垫板,在正线、到发线上,允许速度大于 160km/h 的线路不应小于冻起高度的( )倍。
A.400 B.600 C. 1200 D. 1600 我来回答: 提交